Historians said that they regretted the disappearance of a historical document.
According to the historical document, Baoji is the birthplace of Yandi tribe.
Xiang Jun and Xiang Fu Ren were about two anti-Qin army deeds in this historical document.
His Protestant heirs continue to view the New Testament as a seriously flawed historical document.
The introduction includes the outline of historical document, the way of study and the structure.
Methods Synthetic analysis of historical document and achievement in archaeological investigations.
The History from Old to the Age of Güüsi Khanis the first Tod historical document of Oirat Mongolian.
One day, your journal could be a very interesting historical document -for you, for your family, and potentially for a wider audience.
One day, your journal could be a very interesting historical document - for you, for your family, and potentially for a wider audience.
By the lifelike descriptions of nature, Hardy records the history during the Victorian age more truly than any historical document does.
The author puts forward that data for studying the pronunciation history of Jin Dialects includes contemporary dialect data and historical document data.
Based on historical document records in south Loess Plateau, we analyzed the fluctuation characteristics of climatic change in temperature of Tang dynasty.
Much of the time, children collaborate with each other or share individual responses about an artifact, a story, a historical document, or a Shared experience.
MethodsTo study many historical document data, and compare the documents recommended by the paper of "Textual research on the origin areas of Panax notoginseng".
Methods to study many historical document data, and compare the documents recommended by the paper of "Textual research on the origin areas of Panax notoginseng".
Another one kind is historical document law, is to pass the data collecting the various document, extracts the method studying relevance information's with the problem.
Now chemists have developed a technique that identifies what kind of degradation process an old book or historical document is going through, based on the odors it gives off.
The book is a piece of historical document that reflects the special features which characterize the colloquial words of Beijing dialect in the later of the 19~(th) century.
Facing the good situations, we historical document discipline should think about the reconstruction of our discipline and the teaching, so as to face the chances and challenges.
The Forms and Styles in Mounting Paintings and Calligraphies in Shaoxing Imperial Court, written by Zhoumi, is the only exist historical document on the collection and mounting in imperial court.
Historical records document a group-oriented existence, in which one room was used for eating, entertaining guests, and sleeping.
After discovering that The Sunday Republican had recently been scanned and digitized by Readex, a publisher of digital historical materials, I was finally able to zero in on this forgotten document.
接著,我发现一家专门数字化历史资料的出版社Readex最近已将TheSunday Republican扫描成电子档,于是,我终于可以瞄准这一已被遗忘的文件了。
Noether amended the document, but she worries that bulk scanning and publishing of all historical records would bring many other inappropriate disclosures into public view.
This feature is in the spec because OOXML is not a document interchange format; it's a careful, bit-for-bit, replication of Microsoft's historical binary formats, wrapped up in Angle brackets.
For historical reasons, the XHTML specifications themselves go against this guideline when naming the root element HTML; it could just as well have been renamed to document.
From the perspective of historical-document-study, this article discusses the successes that Simazheng achieved in this field.
For the historical reasons, corporate data are commonly kept in the forms of file, relation database and document database, etc.
This paper uses the method of historical and document research to observe the mental health theory of Taijiquan and its scientific foundation.
This paper uses the method of historical and document research to observe the mental health theory of Taijiquan and its scientific foundation.