How do HIV cases continue to grow?
First HIV cases reported in Russia and India.
It accounts for two-thirds of the world's HIV cases and nearly 75 percent of deaths due to AIDS.
"It contributes to new HIV cases as people are reluctant to get themselves tested," he said.
Most worrying are recent reports revealing more than 60 percent of reported HIV cases involve young people between the ages of 20 and 29.
最令人担心的是近期的报告公布的数字:60%以上的报告感染病例涉及20- 29岁的年轻人群。
Sub-Saharan Africa had 70% of new HIV cases, though its infection rates are falling, especially in Ethiopia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. See article.
Objective:To identify the clinic features of HIV infection on ENT-Head and neck area and to explore its treatment- Method: 68 HIV cases in zambia were analysed.
The strategy would cut the estimated number of AIDS deaths between 2008 and 2050 by about half, from about 8.7 million to 3.9 million, leaving only sporadic HIV cases.
These figures suggest a large unmet need, particularly in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where IDUs represent 70% of HIV cases but just 24% of patients currently on treatment.
New modeling research suggests that implementing a voluntary "test and treat" approach could dramatically reduce new HIV cases beginning within a decade and ultimately halt the pandemic.
When the researchers considered all of the 213 African HIV cases together, they found no evidence that use of hormonal contraceptives increased a woman's chances of becoming infected with HIV.
Transmission of the AIDS virus seems to be "out of control" among gay men in France despite an overall fall in the number of new HIV cases in the country, according to a study published on Thursday.
His estimate of half a million HIV-positive cases was based on an extrapolation of the known incidence of the virus.
These are cases in which a worker is infected with HIV and has a history of occupational exposure, but did not have a test immediately before and after the possible exposure.
In addition, millions of cases of viral infection, including HIV, occur every year.
In the US, there were 57 documented cases of occupational HIV transmission up to 2006.
This does not mean that the number of HIV-positive TB cases and the number of TB deaths among HIV-positive people doubled between 2006 and 2007.
Whilst HIV transmission between family members and members of the same household is possible, it occurs in extremely low numbers and documented cases are very rare.
These higher estimates were used to estimate the number of HIV-positive TB cases in countries for which direct measurements were not available.
There are, however, celebrated cases, such as HIV and hepatitis c, which also undergo a lot of change.
The numerator, or number of new cases of disseminated BCG disease, was derived from multicentre surveillance data collected prospectively on infants with a confirmed HIV infection during 2004–2006.
Existing cases of TB are declining, along with deaths among HIV-negative TB cases.
Among 11 African countries with over 50% of the world's HIV-positive TB cases that reported data for all years 2002-2006, the percentage of notified cases that were tested quadrupled, from 8% to 35%.
在2002- 2006各年报告数据的占世界艾滋病毒阳性结核病例50%以上的11个非洲国家中,得到检查的通报病例百分数翻了两番,从8%上升到35%。
However, in many cases, there is poor enforcements of such laws and stigmatization of people living with HIV and most-at-risk populations persist.
For example, since 1996, Brazil's treatment efforts have helped the country to prevent more than 60,000 new cases of AIDS and 90,000 HIV-related deaths.
One million cases of AIDS have been reported to the WHO, 19.5 million people have been infected with HIV since the epidemic began
One million cases of AIDS have been reported to the WHO, 19.5 million people have been infected with HIV since the epidemic began