Spending dropped faster than incomes last year as householders hoarded cash.
Rolls-Royce’s move is also a reminder that the cash hoarded need not be spent in Britain.
Yet to get to such a hopeful point, the cash injected into the system in the months ahead has to be lent, spent and not hoarded.
What followed was a furious dash for cash, as investment Banks sold whatever they could, commercial Banks hoarded reserves and firms drew on lines of credit.
First the money markets seized up, as Banks hoarded spare cash.
Even where they have been making record profits, companies have hoarded their cash rather than pay more out in the form of higher wages, which have stagnated even as employment has increased.
The well-off not only have much higher take-home pay than the rank-and-file but also tend to be the ones who have access to the benefits of hoarded corporate cash.
Clobbered by the financial crisis, worried Banks have hoarded their cash and been extremely reluctant to lend money to customers.
Clobbered by the financial crisis, worried Banks have hoarded their cash and been extremely reluctant to lend money to customers.