He had ordered his officers to keep an exceptionally firm hold over their men.
Many people hold a firm belief that the cure for cancer will be found one day.
The danger in all of this for Toyota is that its loyal (and mostly satisfied) customers in America have long believed that the firm was different from others and thus hold it to a higher standard.
Acquiring a rich-world company can also be a quick way to get hold of technology as well as the tacit know-how that comes with operating a firm in mature markets.
Although GM has begun to look for an executive recruiting firm to help find a permanent CEO, Mr. Whitacre said earlier this week that he may hold the CEO job for as long as a year.
But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.
More likely, he was embarrassed to face the Forum after breaking a firm promise to hold elections by March 2009.
The British firm will hold a 25% stake in Bumi Resources, Indonesia’s largest coal producer, and 75% of Berau Coal, the fifth-largest.
收购完毕后,Vallar拥有印尼最大的煤炭生产商Bumi Resources公司25%的股份,同时持有印尼第五大煤炭企业Berau Coal公司75%的股份。
Soleil Securities downgrades Mindray Medical (NYSE: MR) from Buy to Hold and lowers the price target from $44 to $27. The firm cites a "hazy" outlook for the future.
索雷尔证券集团(Soleil Securities Group)把迈瑞医疗公司评级从买入下调到持有,把目标股价从44美元降低到27美元,表示该公司未来前景尚不明朗。
It may help to tilt one edge of the box up to ensure a firm hold.
“Hold her firm!” One of the assistants came to our side. She grabbed my arm.
Firm tofu contains slightly less moisture and can hold it shape enough to be cut into cubes.
Goldman's top brass are required to hold 75% of all equity awards until they leave the firm (not that this has endeared it to politicians or the public).
Conversely, an action that increases the stock price in a world where the less restrictive assumptions do not hold, may not necessarily increase firm value.
Skimming and scanning a big taboo; before finishing hold your opinion. Firm your will and uphold the conviction.
As Charles Stanley, a stockbroking firm, cynically puts it, EU nations are saying: “Please fund our lifestyles, but don’t hold us to any commitments.”
正如查尔斯?斯坦利(Charles Stanley),一家股票经纪公司,所讥讽的那样,欧盟国家们在说:“请资助我们的生活方式,但是别要求我们做出任何承诺。”
But the Europeans must hold firm.
In the duel of hope and despair, if you hold firmly to the courage and the firm hands, the victory will belong to the hope. — Prini.
In the duel of hope and despair, if you hold firmly to the courage and the firm hands, the victory will belong to the hope. - Prini.
For example, if some Stockholders decide they no longer wish to hold shares in the firm, they can sell their shares to other investors, with no impact on the management of the firm.
Whether this is still just around the corner stones, as long as a firm hold for each other that only belong to your own beliefs, they will each eventually wedging into one!
Still keep the weight back as the body continues to turn slightly to the R. ( not more than an eighth of a turn ) and keep a firm hold of the lady to stop her swinging away from you.
Husband is a woman's career, no husband is equal to unemployment, so the firm hold this job!
"Hold her firm!" One of the assistants came to our side. She grabbed my arm.
Plugs which have good grips capable of maintaining a firm hold on the cable sheath should be selected.
And if, in the challenges of each day, we persevere and hold firm to our beliefs and our goals, we will flourish.
And if, in the challenges of each day, we persevere and hold firm to our beliefs and our goals, we will flourish.