They hold their breath and dive deep for up to twenty minutes at a time.
As I walked, I looked up, trying to realize what made this day so beautiful, so serene. It was as if time had been put temporarily on hold, and I along with it.
By most important, we mean those decisions that provide the overall architecture with a structure that will hold up best over time.
The next time you shop for groceries, take a closer look at your fruits and vegetables. Hold them up and you may be surprised at their dazzling appearance.
In New York, on the other hand, if you leave less than 15%, your reservation might not hold up next time.
These toy classes served their purpose at the time - simple placeholders to illustrate a point - but they don't hold up as a rigorous domain model.
That simplification makes it easy to get started but won't hold up over time.
This time, the Spurs made it hold up.
This time I catch it and hold it up for her to see.
As you get closer to your retirement years, you want to hold onto the capital you've built up over time.
His patent leather trouser suit had been made in such a hurry that he had no time to sew up the seams and had relied, instead, on glue to hold them together.
For those writers willing to push past the difficulty, and stand up 411 times, even after they've fallen 410, it is an amazing, amazing time to hold a pen.
However, this did not hold true for those who used buses or trams every day - perhaps because they had built up immunity over time.
According to early plans, the space hotel could hold up to seven people at a time.
I turned to sit up, and this time he let me, releasing his hold around my waist and sliding as far from me as he could in the limited space.
This time I catch it , and hold it up.
The next time we take up our pen to write, let us remember that we hold in our hand the most powerful instrument mankind possesses.
I took an umbrella ran out, at this time, god already can't resist, crying, I hold up an umbrella, hard to walk, afraid to own a big fall.
Hold the bottle; don't prop it up by itself. This can help prevent choking, extra gas, tooth decay, and provide bonding time.
This time I catch it and hold it up for her to see. Her eyes twinkle.
For all the complexities that publishing faces, the notion that books are somehow less of a factor in the cultural or information ecosystem of our time doesn't hold up to the evidence.
This time I catch it, and hold it up for her to see.
The RBA is first up on Tuesday afternoon local Sydney time where the bank is expected to hold the OCR steady at 4.75%.
I asked hug or want to see further when, thank you for every time I bent over to hold up. (This may be no good for your back, Mom.)
I asked hug or want to see further when, thank you for every time I bent over to hold up. (This may be no good for your back, Mom.)