The discovery is being hailed as the Holy Grail of astronomy.
In his dream, he saw that his sheepfold was destroyed, the shepherd disappeared, and his holy grail fell off the peg.
The British heart Foundation described repair as the "holy grail of heart research", but said any treatment in humans was years away.
It's the holy grail of dieting eat less by eating more.
The confirmation also provides important guidance to those seeking the holy grail of physics - a quantum theory that includes gravity.
Cambodia has long been the holy grail for dirt bike enthusiasts thanks to its network of crumbling roads.
You really must stop chasing a holy Grail and spend time on different position sizing rules.
"It's the holy grail of aeronautics," said Richard Varvill, Reaction Engines technical director and a company co-founder.
But the tiny, prefabricated bathroom remains a holy grail of designers, with patents still being pumped out regularly.
Defining neural circuits is still "the holy grail of neuroscience," says Eve Marder at Brandeis University.
But when we did the Holy Grail we knew it was a good story that everyone recognises.
In the tales of King Arthur and his knights, one recurring story is the quest for the Holy Grail.
The real Holy Grail for an interstellar mission will be breakthroughs in our ability to harness thermonuclear energy — namely fusion.
Incineration, currently touted as the holy grail for dealing with recyclable materials, is just not as good from an environmental point of view.
It is practically the Holy Grail of English grammar.
"That's really the holy grail of geothermal: that you can go anywhere and extract the Earth's heat," Blackwell says.
Economically significant reuse has always been a holy grail of software engineering.
The holy grail of programming is to provide more power and flexibility with fewer lines of code, without sacrificing readability or performance.
It became our habit over the years to look in every jewelry store window as if searching for the Holy Grail.
That has made it something of a holy-grail dateline for reporters covering the military.
Online reputation management is becoming hugely important to hotels because reviews have a direct correlation with demand, the holy grail of revenue management.
The use of stem-cell technology is seen as a "holy grail", which promises to reduce shortages of several types of organs.
But he's also the guy who survived an anti-matter explosion at the Vatican and a Paris manhunt and uncovered the truth about the Holy Grail.
As the 40th anniversary celebrations of the first manned moon landing end, a human voyage to Mars remains a holy grail for NASA.
Reconciling the two, creating a theory of quantum gravity, is the holy grail of modern physics.
People like hearing about quests - that's why we still tell stories about the Holy Grail - and they like being a part of them.
人们喜欢听探寻故事- - -这就是为什么圣杯故事能传颂至今- - -人们感觉置身其中。
At the more engaged end of the advertising spectrum, marketers often vie for the Holy Grail that is viral marketing via social media.
So-called “personalised medicine” has long been the Holy Grail of drugs researchers.
So-called “personalised medicine” has long been the Holy Grail of drugs researchers.