The holy (or unholy) trinity of chick flicks, these three movies together almost add up to one decent film. Almost.
Newton could not be Master of Trinity because he was a Unitarian and so not in Holy Orders.
During this visit to the town, Prince Charles visited Holy Trinity Church, and laid a wreath on Shakespeare's grave.
It is in this way I desire to lead you to glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.
The building is essentially three interlocking volumes that metaphorically symbolize the holy trinity which are strategically arranged to capture the views of the beautiful surrounding landscape.
Why don't you rather stop prying into the Holy Trinity, and simply believe that it exists?
More than 500 children were baptized by the Georgian Orthodox church during the 15th mass baptism ceremony at the country's main Holy Trinity cathedral.
This work is accomplished by the Holy Trinity.
After lunch, we go with our leader to "Holy Trinity" church. The old church is in a small park which is nearby Cecil square.
午饭后我们跟领队去了“Holy Trinity”教堂,原教堂坐落在Cecil广场旁边的一个公园里。
After lunch, we go with our leader to "Holy Trinity" church. The old church is in a small park which is nearby Cecil square.
午饭后我们跟领队去了“Holy Trinity”教堂,原教堂坐落在Cecil广场旁边的一个公园里。