CARUSO is a system for home automation.
Another trend in this year's CES is home automation via the Internet.
HomeNet is an important research direction in home automation domain.
Nowadays, the study on home automation and smart home is more and more favored.
When it first appeared in 1978, X10 became the standard in home automation technology.
There are currently over one hundred companies pledged to supporting it in home automation products.
On this basis, it constructs a low cost, high-performance, high reliability of home automation system.
The lighting in the home is 90% LEDs, with integrated energy saving and home automation system sensors.
The good news is that with all the time we save from home automation, we'll have time to work on other pursuits.
Home automation system is the outcome of the combination of computer and network technology with the traditional house.
Home automation allows not only to execute orders to increase comfort, but can also act autonomously to achieve greater energy efficiency.
It has been successfully used in a number of areas: home automation, the automotive industry, consumer electronics, and even desktop applications.
The power line medium used in many homes for home automation and control represents a unique source of information about the activity occurring in that home.
Constructing a full layered communication protocol module, with reference to the network communication protocol model of OSI and overseas home automation bus.
There are two kinds of Power Line Carrier technology. One is used for Load Control, Remote Meter Reading and Home Automation, which is a short rate application.
The home automation vendors are likely to counter that homeowners are already using their systems (or soon will be) and that further specialization is redundant.
Using Internet technology in embedded system to control automat, meters, factory equipment, security system and home automation system is new conception recently.
Video station and video display from VDP system are also can be control center of your home automation system, which means no additional devices need to be added.
The products in different combinations, from only VDP function, to home automation function and wiring devices, are suitable for all decoration conditions and tastes.
Not to be outdone by their consumer electronics counterparts, China security products specialists are incorporating home automation capability in their varied selections.
Especially the large number of control motors used in industry automation, office automation and home automation are nearly all controlled by electric and electronic devices.
Anyone familiar with OSGi knows that it has its origins in the embedded space, first for home automation and then for automotive automation and mobile phone application management.
It is a flexible, high performance and inexpensive development kit designed for handheld applications such as remote control, home automation, and portable data collector, etc.
While the networks claim that the products are easy to program and use, about 60 percent of homebuilders who have installed home automation devices hired professional help [source: Regan].
The system the paper given can not only be used in TPMCS, but also be used in other field universally, such as wireless water and power meter, wireless device monitoring and home automation.
A lot more devices with little computers inside them will end up in people's homes, often connected to one another via home-automation systems.
Smart Home and household automation are demanded by people on house in information epoch.
Smart Home and household automation are demanded by people on house in information epoch.