Windows 7 will also have both Home Basic and Home Premium editions.
Atom-based systems will be sold primarily with Windows 7 Starter or Home Basic.
By comparison, the Home Basic version of Windows Vista requires a 32-bit 1ghz processor, 512mb of RAM, 20gb of hard drive space, and a graphics card with at least 32mb of memory.
与之相对的是,WindowsVista的Home Basic版本需要1ghz的32位处理器,512MB内存,20gb硬盘空间和最少有32 MB显存的显卡。
Another option is a low-cost machine with the Home Basic version of Vista, which also tends to cost less and to require less-expensive hardware than the more-common Vista Home Premium.
另外一个选择是装有Vista家庭普通版(Home Basic)的低成本电脑。它的价格更低,需要的硬件也比更常见的Vista家庭高级版(Home Premium)要便宜。
Lessons are extremely practical and include work on farming, carpentry, health and running a home, as well as lessons on the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic.
A new Pew Research Center analysis highlights the implications of these changes for the most basic element of their lives—where they call home.
And British retail Banks will have to make a basic bank account available to anyone in the country with a home address.
If you build the smart home gradually, starting with a basic lighting system, it might only be a few hundred dollars.
There is no decent furniture, no basic decoration, and the only photograph in the home is the wedding photo of Cai Wei and his wife.
They say they can scale it up for use in air conditioning, and aim to build 3.5-kilowatt devices – equivalent to a basic home model – which could be dotted around buildings.
Kids who are expected to do chores at home learn useful basic skills.
Meanwhile, the operating system and one or two other basic pieces of software are phoning home, and lockdown technologies are policing your computing.
So, we need to have that money in hand so we can get on with transporting them home and providing the basic services for them for when they arrive.
We need a basic form to collect the fields for the ID card (Name, Authorization, Home, Birth date, Hair and Eye color).
As a first approach, your wrapper stays basic: its only purpose is to render the gadget in the Home page.
作为第一种方法,您的包装器非常基础:它的唯一目的是在Home page中呈现小部件。
SETI@Home – With federal funding for basic science perennially in peril, contributions to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence program are always more than welcome.
SETI@Home —— 当联邦对基础科学的长期资金支持出现危机的时候,捐赠给“寻找外星智慧”项目(the SearchforExtraterrestrial Intelligenceprogram)的资金总是会更充裕。
This article gives you an overview of the steps involved in creating a basic iWidget, deploying it, and running it in the Home page.
本文概述了创建和部署基础的iWidget 并在Homepage 中运行它涉及到的步骤。
Cablevision’s basic "family cable" package costs $55.95 a month, which works out at most to 37 cents an hour per home.
Usually, a designer would first work on the home page of the site, after which a basic shell is created for the inner pages.
As soon as you can resume oral intake, urinate, and care for your basic needs, you will typically be able to go home.
One engineer has come up with a bamboo bike that people can build at home with basic tools.
If you have a problem with a major life issue like finances, home improvement, child classwork, break down the problem to it's basic form.
The basic unit of any society is the home.
And, when he should have some basic way common sense, know their name and address, the intention to help people send him home.
Since it is starch, then certainly have the most basic nature of starch, starch is a common thing in the home life.
Most of us have no desire to forswear energy use entirely, like No Impact Man. But we all have the incentive of basic home economics.
大多数人都不愿断然放弃对能源的使用,就像No Impact Man(一个blog)但我们都有基本家政学的激励。
Most of us have no desire to forswear energy use entirely, like No Impact Man. But we all have the incentive of basic home economics.
大多数人都不愿断然放弃对能源的使用,就像No Impact Man(一个blog)但我们都有基本家政学的激励。