There was a traffic jam on my way home after work this afternoon.
"I had my dream wedding," she said. "my flowers were thistles-prickly things." The gift we gave people to take home was a jar of blueberry jam, and on the label it said, 'How do I get out of this jam?
The customised product fails on both counts: it says as much about you as a jar of home-made jam or a sweater that was knitted for you by your grandmother.
Yesterday, I made a ham burgers, first prepare materials, and then a lettuce home to toast, jam squeezed on the lettuce or other pulp.
Marie: Well it's having real clotted cream on your scones with home-made strawberry jam to go with your tea.
They made peace with their picks and moved on—whereas those who didn't have access to soap spent more time trying to justify which jam they took home.
On the train ride home I sat with a jar of strawberry jam in my lap.
On the train ride home I sat with a jar of strawberry jam in my lap.