The treatment, by which the non-homogeneous equation was transformed into homogeneous equation, not only simplifies.
Based on the original precise integration method, the problem that singular matrix appears in non-homogeneous equation was discussed.
By equating the determinant of the steady-state homogeneous equation to zero, the terminal capacitances for maintaining constant voltage are computed.
First of all, a non-linear Schrodinger equation can be converted into homogeneous equations, and then the precise integration method can be used to solve these problems.
In the solving process of homogeneous equation set, the operational procedure for elementary line transformation is sometimes not simple and convenient as it seems to be.
The application of the asymptotic solution of second order linear homogeneous equation with big parameter to studying the longitudinal and twisted vibrations of tapered sticks is discussed .
The boundary integral equation in homogeneous media was dispersed into algebraic equations through the use of spline function.
Electron energy distributions of direct-curent argon discharges at low pressures were calculated by numerically solving the homogeneous Baltzmann equation.
It is proved that if the medium is piecewisely homogeneous, the solution of the differential -integral equation satisfies the boundary conditions on boundaries between different media.
NURBS curve equation has three kinds of the equivalence form, i. e. rational fraction, rational base function and homogeneous coordinate.
The reason is that the derived equation assumes the formation is homogeneous and fluid flow is single phase.
The homogeneous solution of the differential equation for the shear lag was taken as the displacement pattern of finite segment.
In this paper, we study the structure of the linear recursion equation and get the solution to the constant coefficient linear homogeneous recursion equation.
It's basic idea is to change a nonlinear equation into homogeneous form through a suitable transformation.
This paper presented a mixed state equation and its solution for the torsional vibration of a homogeneous shaft with identical cross section.
The validity of homogeneous balance method for solving differential equation was shown by solving a new Hamilton amplitude equation.
Under homogeneous conditions, the application of this equation may give a differential approximation of high order accuracy for Lapace equation, Poisson equation and heat conduction equation.
Secondly, the surface integral equation(SIE) is presented to calculate the electromagnetic scattering characteristics from the homogeneous dielectric targets.
Dispersion and stability condition of the method in velocity-stress equation are also thoroughly discussed Experiment in homogeneous medium in velocity-stress equation are also thoroughly discussed.
Using integral equation method, the numerical algorithm of 3D magnetotelluric responses in homogeneous half-space is realized.
An important case is the linear homogeneous second-order differential equation with constant coefficients.
A transfer matrix differential equation is derived from the three-dimensional equilibrium equations and constitutive equations of a homogeneous, isotropic linear elastic body.
Then the displacement field in homogeneous medium is considered the result of the first iteration, and the displacement field is solved by this integral equation.
A simple method for the orthogonal fundamental solution of homogeneous linear equation system and the example in its application are given.
We derive the analytic solution of the non-homogeneous fractional diffusion-wave equation under the mixed boundary conditions using the method of separation of variables.
Regarded fabric as homogeneous porous media, this paper arrives at the theoretical equation of fabric's diffusion moisture performances in different directions with the law of Hydromechanics.
Using the extension homogeneous balance method, we have obtain some new special types of soliton solutions of the (2 + 1) - dimensional breaking soliton equation.
The convergence of the formal series solution to the initial boundary value problem for the non-homogeneous wave equation is considered.
In general, special solution of non-homogeneous linear equation of constant coefficient of the second order is obtained by the method of undetermined coefficient, but it's process is too complicated.
In this paper, the interaction between a cw plane wave and a plane pulse travelling with sound speed is considered. Both of them satisfy the homogeneous wave equation.