The propagation and transfotmation of GLB in a homogeneous medium is discussed.
Finite Element Technique based on Rayleigh-Ritz idea is used to solve wave propagation in non-homogeneous medium with variable velocities.
Then the displacement field in homogeneous medium is considered the result of the first iteration, and the displacement field is solved by this integral equation.
By high acetylation of chitosan at N position with acetic anhydride in a homogeneous medium known as acetic solution–alcohol-pyridine system, water-soluble chitosan was prepared.
探讨了如何控制在均相条件下以高脱乙酰度的壳聚糖为主要原料,在乙酸水溶液- 乙醇-吡啶介质中实现壳聚糖N位乙酰化反应的问题;
Dispersion and stability condition of the method in velocity-stress equation are also thoroughly discussed Experiment in homogeneous medium in velocity-stress equation are also thoroughly discussed.
Elastic wave theory based on homogeneous and continuous medium model may lead to incorrect explanation of seismic response to geological structure and may even lead to erroneous explanation.
It is proved that if the medium is piecewisely homogeneous, the solution of the differential -integral equation satisfies the boundary conditions on boundaries between different media.
Residuum suspended bed hydrocracking process at medium pressure was studied by using homogeneous design experimental project.
According to the simulated results, the flow-equalizing equipment is improved in order to make the medium flow field in a quenching tank more homogeneous.
According to the correspondence principle and FFT, the author have calculated the displacement field of a double-couple point source in homogeneous, isotropic, unbounded medium.
A computer program of isoparametric finite element for large elastisplastis strain was used to calculate the displacement-strain fields of a homogeneous expansive sphere in many-layer medium.
PDC bits have been used to drill the homogeneous formation from soft to medium-hard, but they are not suitable for drilling in gravel and multi-interbedded formation.
PD C钻头用于软到中硬的均质地层钻进具有钻速高、寿命长等特点,但不适合含砾石地层和软硬交错地层。
The use of the method is not limited to simple lenses with gradient indices. It can also be used conveniently in the design of systems having homogeneous-medium elements.
Based on the analysis of tunnel convergence in Xieyi coal mine, HuainanMine Bureau, the rock mass of coal mine is considered to be a discontinuous in-homogeneous linear viscoelastic medium.
Numerical investigations are carried out with an initially medium dense and initially loose sand using a homogeneous and random distribution of the initial void ratio.
Numerical investigations are carried out with an initially medium dense and initially loose sand using a homogeneous and random distribution of the initial void ratio.