Hood heights are way to long . should have been adjusted for the added mock neck height. decrease lengths and bring up the front neck drops.
Reaching a height of 3,426 meters (11,239 feet), Mt. Hood is not only Oregon's tallest peak, but also one of the region's most accessible.
Reaching a height of 3, 426 meters (11, 239 feet), Mt. Hood is not only Oregon's tallest peak, but also one of the region's most accessible.
The commercial stainless steel hood, while the height of function, also adds a stunning architectural element to the space.
The height of the chimney can be adjusted, the position of the range hood can be optionally adjusted after being mounted, and the maintenance and repair are all convenient.
The height of the rack can be adjusted according to the installation of the range hood, which is convenient and fast.
其可以根据油烟机的安 装高度要求,调整挂架的高度,既方便又快捷。
Mounting height: The ideal height at which a ventilation hood should be mounted is given as its mounting height.
Mounting height: The ideal height at which a ventilation hood should be mounted is given as its mounting height.