He hopped out the window to face the crowd.
I hopped out at once, despite my confusion and curiosity.
A few blocks down the road, the passenger dropped a 10 yuan note on the seat and hopped out. Mr.
And she lifted the little cradle, with Thumbelina in it, and hopped out through the broken window-pane, down into the garden.
And she lifted the little cradle, with Thumbelina in it, and hopped out through the broken window-pane, down into the garden.
She hopped out of bed and found that the bridge on her favorite castle had been broken in the night, and it took her forever to fix it.
As soon as it was light he jumped up, hopped downstairs, and went out of the house.
The rabbit hopped after the goats, but he could not get them out.
Saito called out on a recent week day, her long ponytail shaking as she hopped.
Wells walked out, sucking on a Dum Dum lollipop he grabbed from the counter, hopped into his car, and drove off.
威尔士口里含着一根在柜台上拿的Dum Dum棒棒糖,出了门,开车走了。
When the burglar heard their car he hopped it out of the window.
You shall have them, dear, 'said the gray man, and he shook his strange gray cloak. Pouf! Out hopped ten tiny fairies, no bigger than that!
Tyrion hopped down to work the cramps out of his calves whilst Duck and Haldon were watering the horses.
Without a second thought, Willis hopped in his Jeep and drove to the Fisher Building in the Chicago Loop to check out the exchange.
The magician held his wand over the handkerchief and out hopped a rabbit.
She took up the thimble, and wanted to get hold of him, but little thumbling hopped into the cloth, and while the mistress was opening it out and looking for him, he got into a crevice in the table.
女主人一把抓起顶针想抓住大拇哥,可他又跳进了布堆里; 等女主人抖开布来找他时,他又钻进了桌上的一道裂缝。
We went into the garage where a treadmill was set up with Biff's collar suspended from a metal arm. Biff hopped on and held his head out so that Kim could buckle his collar.
The little fish hopped around in the net and cried out to the fisherman. "Please return me to the water! ""
The little fish hopped around in the net and cried out to the fisherman. "Please return me to the water! ""