Considering vertical and horizontal bending moment and tortile moment action together, equivalent bending moment is proposed in this paper to evaluate anti-bend capability of wall.
The present paper deals with the definition and algorithm of impedance real part equivalent resistivity in horizontal electric double source frequency electromagnetic sounding.
Some problems are discussed, such as the mechanical mode and equivalent stiffness of horizontal bracing system, the deformation compatibility between the bracing and retaining wall.
The structural behaviors under vertical and horizontal loads are analyzed with a steel frame model and an equivalent reinforced concrete frame-shear wall model respectively.
With equivalent flow resistance method and on the base of the productivity formulae of a horizontal well, a new productivity formula of a fishbone well was derived in the paper.
It is shown that the horizontal and vertical factorial moments are equivalent only when they are used in combination with the cumulant variables.
A "theory of micro element" and equivalent seepage flow was raised to solve the various mass flow of single phase in the horizontal wellbore.
Equivalent calibrations of short horizontal hole artificially defects and big flat-bottomed hole artificially defects or calculation equivalent of big flat-bottom are adopted.
Meanwhile, the paper directly derives the laminar flow productivity functions of gas horizontal Wells which based on the theory of equivalent porous flow and the math method of baojiao transform.
Meanwhile, the paper directly derives the laminar flow productivity functions of gas horizontal Wells which based on the theory of equivalent porous flow and the math method of baojiao transform.