When the king got on his horse and chased him with his guards, Ma Liang drew a horse and it changed into a real horse.
When you have finished with your workout with the horse, you now have to wash and groom the horse.
The bond with humans likely is an extension of horse behavior in the wild, since horses value their own horse relatives and friends, and are also open to new, non-threatening acquaintances.
A very long time ago when I was a horse in a previous experience, I remember I was not very well treated; and I hated the experience of being a horse.
In many areas of the American West he still rides a horse, though he may carry it in a horse trailer behind his pickup truck to the point where the road gives out and a horse becomes indispensable.
If I want to race a man and my mind is the fast horse, my heart is the medium horse and my body is the slow horse.
He whispered at the horse and came back just a few minutes later, and the bartender could hear the horse laughing all the way the gambler came inside.
Caligula’s love for his horse, Incitatus, was well known in his time and in present times, but the modern love of a good myth has promoted the horse to a far greater position than in reality.
He mounted his horse, and when he came to the cave he alighted, tied his horse to a tree, then approaching the entrance, and pronouncing the words, "Open, Sesame!"
The reason such a spooked horse was called boggled was because people were superstitious and they thought what might be spooking the horse might be a ghost or supernatural spirit.
John Kirwan was a great horse-racing man, and once landed in Liverpool with a fine horse, going racing somewhere in middle England.
This makes the voice breathy and horse, and there are a lot of very famous Italians singers for instance that have this horse quality.
During the 90-minute drive to the camp we saw the local Argali sheep, with giant curling horns, and Przewalski's horse - the last true wild horse in the world.
You must also raise an army like the one you lost-horse for horse and chariot for chariot-so we can fight Israel on the plains.
The horse, called Gracie (so am I), was unable to free itself and could have been in danger if not for a passer-by who was able to come to the rescue after he heard the horse whinnying .
It was the trot of a horse; Cathy's dance stopped, and in a minute the horse stopped also.
Sudden movements or noise can frighten a horse. A horse defends himself with strong teeth, sharp hoofs, and speed for running away from danger.
When he had finished his work, he tapped the horse on the shoulder and said, "pull, white horse, pull!"
That -experience, -combined with the horse-riding advances, led Rupert to the extraordinary idea of taking his wife and son to Outer Mongolia, which some claim is the original home of the horse.
Born in 1992, Shu Siyao is a group rhythmic gymnast. She is called as "new word horse goddess" because of her unique spin word horse and beautiful face.
And a rider whose horse failed to win of course lost to a horse of another color.
You could never guess just how much time, money and effort horse owners would spend on surgery and medicine to heal a sick horse, it was very often far more than the monetary value of the animal.
The rider sped his horse in the last round and won the first place in the horse race.
The next day, that horse came back, and he brought a Mongolian horse with him.
The dwarf hurried the horse into the water, and the old horse started off boldly for the island.
The dwarf hurried the horse into the water, and the old horse started off boldly for the island.