The tests found 68 out of 72 workers were so badly poisoned they required hospitalisation.
They were also more likely to require hospitalisation than peripheral blood stem cell donors.
The 24-year-old son died of H5N1 infection on 2 December, the fifth day of his hospitalisation.
Sturgeon told the Scottish parliament this morning that hospitalisation rates were similar to those in the US.
The illness, hospitalisation and death of one partner can harm the well-being of the other, US researchers have said.
Even with such increases, rural residents still have to pay a large part of hospitalisation costs out of their own pockets.
Foot ulceration is a major problem in people with diabetes and is the leading cause of hospitalisation and limb amputations.
The worldwide costs from deaths and hospitalisation are hard to calculate in the absence of information about medical costs in each country.
A poll in New York City this week suggested that hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers have had H1N1, but only 0.1 per cent needed hospitalisation.
Patients who were admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of an acute coronary syndrome were assessed during hospitalisation and in the first six months after discharge.
These include earlier presentation to hospital, earlier treatment following heart attack, better risk stratification, and reduced length of hospitalisation, " added Professor GAO."
But they have found it difficult to explain why the son's mother and girlfriend - both of whom had substantial unprotected exposure to him during his hospitalisation - did not become infected.
Hospitalisation for dental problems is now a serious health issue, even though decay — or dental caries — could easily be prevented through regular brushing and check-ups, the researchers conclude.
Hospitalisation for dental problems is now a serious health issue, even though decay — or dental caries — could easily be prevented through regular brushing and check-ups, the researchers conclude.