This is the MoonFire file center, established to reduce load on the main site. You are welcome to link directly( hot-link) to files on this site.
Each E-mail address provides a hot link menu through which a person can be called, instant-messaged, or e-mailed.
While it's still unclear how to explain the link, getting into a hot tub on a chilly day causes a rapid blood pressure drop, which stresses the heart.
You are now asked to either restart Tomcat or click the link Hot deploy myportlets-fileupload portlet application.
We suggest you click the link Hot deploy myportlets-fileupload portlet application. The portlet is then loaded as shown in Figure 1.
我们建议您单击链接hotdeploymyportlets - fileuploadportletapplication。
In the recent half century, this theory has become a hot research topic in clinic psychology, since it is a crucial link connecting psychological sociology ingredient to diseases.
Two methods of dynamic link between the process mechanism models and the graphs are given, which are DLL hot interlink and variant linkage, and elementary function of variant definition is provided.
A copied Hot Text link to a function's defining expression no longer appears blank when pasted into a new caption.
In another paper, published in the journal Climacteric, the researchers used the same data to analyze the link between obesity and hot flashes.
In a separate study, to test the link between physical temperature and emotional state, scientists had subjects hold cold and hot packs and recorded levels of perceived loneliness.
Tags also reference special-effects files including graphics and sound, and indicate the hot spots (hyperlinks and anchors) that link your document to other documents.
The systematic structure has been simplified by the hot link technology.
The hot line was a direct communications link between the leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States.
The "hot line" was a direct communications link between the leaders of Soviet Union and the United States.
My wife gave me a link which is a hot article throughout the Internet. The article was wrote by an English nurse. She concluded out the top 5 regrets of life from many of her dying patients.
Considering gateway "hot spots" and link loads, this thesis proposes a multi-channel MAC protocol with link priority-aware channel assignment (PCA-MMAC).
考虑到网关“热点”问题和链路负载不均衡,本文提出一种基于链路优先级信道分配的多信道MAC协议(PC A - MMAC)。
This unit is fixed with heat recover unit and fuel gas heat recover unit, which link to heat pumps set, heating system, hot water supply system and ground water source.
This unit is fixed with heat recover unit and fuel gas heat recover unit, which link to heat pumps set, heating system, hot water supply system and ground water source.