When the estate agent showed us this house, we knew we wanted it right away.
He told me that he was looking for an agent to sell his house.
Meanwhile, if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future, apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England.
The house was terribly small and cramped, but the agent described it as a bijou residence.
I then motioned to an agent who had come downstairs and the three of us moved Keith up the stairs and out of the house.
It would be like a real estate agent selling a house, but the buyer knowing only what he paid and the seller knowing only what he received.
Outside the safe house, the man who pretended to be an FBI agent at the clinic phones Andre Drazen.
Jovan Myovic, who has murdered the CTU agent guarding the Bauer house, sees Dr. Parslow and Teri arrive.
As shooter Jovan Myovic waits outside the Bauer house, a CTU agent arrives to check out the grounds.
Instead of wasting time searching the computer for special (and cheaper) airfares, I hired an in-house travel agent to handle the myriad of trips I previously slaved over for hours.
I was supposed to meet with the real estate agent who was selling our house later that evening and when I arrived, I was surprised to find the new owners of the house standing in the driveway.
They got in touch with a White House Special Agent who then contacted the British Embassy in Washington DC.
When we arrived at the house, we found the real estate agent standing in the living room, already presenting the other buyer's bid.
You pay the agent only if you sell the house.
My father commissioned a real estate agent to sell our house.
My husband got a phone call from our real estate agent and told me some of the best news I could hope for – we were closing on a house we’d been waiting for 6 months in a day.
House Agent: Do you want a big house?
My agent arranged the sale of the house.
You can hire an estate agent, interior stager or complete sales teams to sell your house - or you can do it yourself.
Of course, if you are using a real estate agent, you'll have to pay their commission for helping sell your house.
CB radio network, acres of housing suburbs, and a tour bus. A robot real estate agent roams around making deals with anyone who wants to buy a house.
I also know a real estate agent who can help you find a house or an apartment.
The real-estate agent played a trick on us and we bought the house for an unreasonable price.
It's essential that you have a real estate agent working for you as the buyer, rather than relying on the seller's agent for the house you want to buy.
Victory came after it obtained a restraining order from a Belgian judge blocking the country's financial agent and clearing house from paying interest on Peru's Brady Bonds.
This house agent beguiled me into selling the house.
This house agent beguiled me into selling the house.