Karroubi said that since the election his office has been sealed off and his newspaper, Etemad-e-Melli (the National Trust), closed down while he was under informal house arrest.
卡罗比表示,自选举以来,他的办公室已被查封,他的报纸《国家信托》(Etemad - e - Melli),在他遭居家软禁的时候被关闭。
Karroubi said that since the election his office has been sealed off and his newspaper, Etemad-e-Melli (the National Trust), closed down while he was under informal house arrest.
卡罗比表示,自选举以来,他的办公室已被查封,他的报纸《国家信托》(Etemad - e - Melli),在他遭居家软禁的时候被关闭。