But as no explicit stipulation about mortgage has been made in Chinese law system yet, the scholars of the theories and the practice have various opinions on the the-housing-mortgage-related problems.
The disaster in the housing and mortgage markets shows that free markets don't always get incentives right or generate the information people need to make wise decisions.
Bills to reorder the nation's agriculture, housing and mortgage markets followed in short order.
In the (perhaps vain) hope of gaining some calm perspective, let's consult two people who are frequently quoted on housing and mortgage matters.
But, regardless of how we got here, the clear and present danger that the virus in the housing, mortgage and credit markets is infecting the overall economy is too great to ignore.
The first part is a summary of housing mortgage loan insurance.
The housing mortgage loan is growing very fast and the future of the loan market is indubitable in china.
The theoretical principles underlying the securitization of housing mortgage and their challenges to the capital structure theories are discussed, and SHM's benefits and risks analyzed.
The following four sections are included in this thesis to discuss how to build the system of housing mortgage loan insurance.
While housing mortgage loan has asset scale and good quality, which suits to be the point of tangency into asset securitization of our country.
There are a lot of problems in the existing housing mortgage loan insurance in China.
In the course of its operation, the securitization of housing mortgage loan has been confronted with such issues as risk control, law regulation and taxation.
China's housing mortgage products and development time is not long, but on the domestic Banks, they have been in the personal mortgage loans as asset quality of Banks.
The execution of MBS in China will be the necessary selection as continuously enlargement of the housing mortgage loans in China.
When buying a house with bank loan is popular in China, the risk of personal housing mortgage loan becomes to be today's live topic.
Having analysed the running mechanism of securitization, this paper puts forward several proposals on trying out housing mortgage securitization in combination with the current situation of China.
By nowadays, individual housing mortgage loan has become a new increasing point, which helps to promote consumptions, boost economy, regulate Banks' loan structure and bring interest to Banks.
Individual housing mortgage loan is gradually becoming a good choice to buy houses for families.
Then the changes of mortgage relations and the problems on exercising hypothec arising from the changes of the housing mortgage loan obligation relations are analyzed.
Through setting up housing consumer credit norms, defining proportion and mark standard, provides decision basis for commercial bank decided housing mortgage loan.
From the theory and operating mechanism of the housing mortgage loan - securitization, the paper analyzes the practical meaning of the housing mortgage securitization idea.
This paper discusses the current situation of our country 's housing mortgage and points out the necessity and necessary conditions of making housing mortgage in stock form.
The overheated pursuit of Wall Street of the collateralized debt obligation(CDO) and housing mortgage loan bond(MBS) has gradually pushed the Assets equity ratio higher.
Personal housing mortgage loans have been the most widely adopted way of loans supply in the world.
Reportedly, China Everbright Bank launched the first in the domestic industry with the personal housing mortgage derivative products effectively broadened the scope of services of credit operations.
To study the combined housing mortgage loan, we established a theory model for it. Through this model, we can work out the term of loan, the repayment of capital and interest every year.
To study the combined housing mortgage loan, we established a theory model for it. Through this model, we can work out the term of loan, the repayment of capital and interest every year.