Chapter II, Luohe City housing needs analysis.
Shanghai housing needs of the future is not promising.
Obviously, to start the housing needs of the industry has become a consensus.
No matter how unique your housing needs may seem, Atchafalaya Homes has the solution.
To serve the housing needs of our students, Buckingham College should build a new dormitory.
How residential designs fit and meet the housing needs of the elderly has become an urgent problem to solve.
More important, analysts say the large supply of unoccupied housing needs to be sold off before developers start to build again.
A spokeswoman for the duchy said: "We are keen to work alongside the council to meet its housing needs and the needs of the community."
How in the recession of real estate, how to package aimed newly-married family, how the housing needs of alignment investment demand?
However, we now have a large generation of households that is beginning to think more seriously about its housing needs for the coming years.
99the following appeared in a memo written by a dean at Buckingham College. "to serve the housing needs of our students, Buckingham College should build a new dormitory."
The main elements of tax policy adjustment, but also to protect the housing needs of ordinary people, enjoy the preferential policies strictly ordinary housing standards.
The emergence of gated community meets the various housing needs from the residents. However, it also results in community segregation and makes urban planning out of control.
The TRA has been constructed for emergency accommodation needs and is provided by the city, and exceeds national housing requirements.
It needs to put historical prejudices to one side and take some steps to address our urgent housing need.
The housing market needs a kick-start.
Housing Environments are created for human beings whose needs should be satisfied in the design.
To suit local needs and customs, housing plans were modified at the request of the communities.
But that is the last thing that the housing market needs right now.
All these societies have huge needs for housing, consumer goods, and health care.
And we can't plug that big hole in terms of all the housing that needs to be absorbed.
The Federal Reserve also needs to learn from its mistake of keeping interest rates too low in 2003 to prevent a housing bubble.
He said the program represented 'triage' for a housing market that needs more fixes, even modest ones.
In a recovering but fragile market "who needs more red tape?", asks Grant Shapps, the Conservatives' shadow housing minister.
Yet with jobs at Stratford on the doorstep and with much better links to the rest of London, the park could provide the sort of housing and jobs east London needs.
Members could draw upon these funds to pay for college tuition, housing, education, or other needs in case of unemployment.
Alan Greenspan needs to create a housing bubble to replace the Nasdaq bubble.
Alan Greenspan needs to create a housing bubble to replace the Nasdaq bubble.