First, can you give me an idea of how big the fair is?
The Quarterly: how do you control risk in a big institution like ICBC and how do you build that into the culture of the organization?
No one is standing there waiting to give you a big gold star no matter how much of an over-achiever you may be.
The legal age for drinking throughout most of the US is 21 so, if you're cresting the big birthday, you probably will need some pointers on how to drink beer.
Being big also means that mobile networks and handset makers and ISPs will talk to you; and you can demonstrate to them how they benefit from the growth of your company.
Most career advice you receive focuses on the big picture: how to get ahead, how to “win, ” and such things that are on a much larger scale than the daily grind that most of us face.
I'm a huge fan of dreaming and thinking big, but time and time again, acting small is how you manifest those dreams and thoughts.
This was when you had this big track, and if you have wandered around different Greek cities that are dug up, some of them will have the hippodrome there, and you can see how huge they were.
Every time you achieve a chunk of your goal, celebrate! Depending on how big the chunk is, you might.
For example, you start your first job in a big office, and you do not really know how to work with a large group of people in a professional setting.
This is no big deal if you just want your data to work, but it's huge if you're a data geek with a lot of time spent learning your database and how it really works under the hood.
But by using key performance indicators to tell you how big a deal it is for which areas of the organization, you can quickly identify where the crashed site is causing the most problems.
You will realize how future events can have just as big an impact on your life and those of your friends and family.
MONTH ago we asked if you could tell us how much a Big Mac costs where you live, to compile a crowdsourced version of our Big Mac index.
A MONTH ago we asked if you could tell us how much a Big Mac costs where you live, to compile a crowdsourced version of our Big Mac index.
A large fraction of the ice coming off Greenland, for example, flows down just three glaciers. Work out how to slow or stop those glaciers and you may have dealt with a big problem.
The truth is, no matter how experienced or novice of a DBA you are, how big or small your shop is, you can benefit from the autonomic capabilities in DB2.
Reese Witherspoon finds herself in the middle of a love triangle in her latest film, "How Do You Know," but beyond the big screen, the Oscar-winning actress has her eye set on just one man.
You can take these big risks of time, and if at the end of the day there's nothing to detect, you still know how to build a detector.
This allows you to understand how big the task or project is which allows you to make realistic predictions of how long it will take to complete.
So, pick any one of the things that must get done right now, tell yourself you are going to dominate at it, and do just that one thing no matter how big or small.
The way you define disability, how you collect the data, has a big impact on what sort of percentage, what sort of number you get.
If you consider how much sand can be moved in a short period of time by wind, this is a big deal.
Because you've got a factor of the number of moles in there. If you ask how big is the heat capacity?
Because you've got a factor of the number of moles in there. If you ask how big is the heat capacity?