How many hours a day did you do lessons?
How many hours a day will the puppy be kept outside?
Stevens: How many hours a day are you literally sitting on your product?
斯蒂文: 严格地说,你每天在你的椅子上坐多少小时?
How many hours a day will you study and how is the course structured? Did you research the course before?
During interviews conducted individually with mothers and fathers, Dr Alvergne and her team asked questions about how many hours a day fathers spent with their children.
There are various apps, such as QualityTime for Android and Moment for iOS, that monitor your phone usage and inform you just how many hours a day you're spending looking at a screen.
The team from University College London looked at more than 7,000 civil servants working in Whitehall over a period of 11 years and established how many hours they worked on average a day.
How many people are likely to go home after a day of work and sit down to hours of frustration before bed?
Now consider your own day. How many hours per day do you spend sitting at a desk, either in your office or at home?
She was not in a particular hurry, she had said when the waitress asked how many hours she had to put in each day.
How many hours do you work a day?
How many hours do you sleep a day?
He wants to know how many hours the Spanish people work a day.
How many hours per day do you spend sitting at a desk, either in your office or at home?
How many hours do the employees work in a day?
"Let me ask you this," he said. "in the course of a seven-day week, how many hours do you spend working out: playing tennis, jogging, basketball, whatever?"
How many people spend hours a day watching the news, or reading about the news on the Internet?
How many hours in a day How many hours in a day?
How many hours in a day How many hours in a day?