He told them how to be an honest person.
Yes, and how they all grew up to be honest people, and were beloved by everybody.
Make sure to be honest about how you feel and how long you've felt that way.
You can imagine how you would react when someone who told you to be honest did something against common morality.
To be sure, now we've seen how any honest discussion of the issues can be twisted into weeks worth of out of context attacks by the media.
But to be honest, I had no idea how they would respond once it was built.
Be aware of your true feelings and take an honest inventory of your life to see what you want to change and how you are going to find meaning in your actions.
Secondly, it was because I didn't really know how to approach and really what to say to be honest with you," Chen told CNN.
I mean, that first documentary you started-the one about how I looked like him, and I was destined to act like him-to be honest, I thought it was plain meanspirited. And kind of presumptuous.
Now let me be honest here: I wailed for months before I figured out how to trade the rocks for the joy, and found the silver lining thing.
Ideally, politicians who want to save the planet would be honest with voters about how much this will cost.
You need to be honest and tell him everything; about how you feel and if you’re serious about her or still trying to figure this out.
The important thing is to understand the process and to be honest and frank about how improvements can be made.
I think this is a question I am not sure how often this gets asked actually but if you did get asked this question, I think you have to be honest.
Ask any one who lives with you for their honest opinion regarding how you might or might not be adhering to the full list of Suggestions above.
Graham Charters: To be honest, I wasn't sure how well the idea would be received, and I've actually been overwhelmed by the positive response.
How to score with a Scorpio: Scorpio can read others like a book so be direct and honest.
The individual gets honest, actionable feedback on how his or her contribution to the business can be increased.
Learning to be honest about what you do, and how you feel, is very important.
To be honest, I have no idea how to make a cloth while my mother does, and she knows that I am willing to buy one produced by an cloth factory rather than to make one on my own.
Jack: He's not sensitive. Being honest is good, but you have to be careful how you say things.
Regardless of how much you want the job, be honest and don't say you know how to do something if you don't.
"To be honest, it's all about how the defense is playing," Bryant said.
"To be honest, it's all about how the defense is playing," Bryant said.