“The internet is not multilingual yet,” notes Sir Howard Stringer, Sony’s boss.
“互联网还不是多语言化的,”索尼老板霍华德•斯特林格爵士(Sir Howard Stringer)说。
The move was part of a clear signal that Howard Stringer would pass the baton to him.
“I think the war is virtually over,” says Sir Howard Stringer, Sony's chief executive.
“我认为战斗实际上已经结束了。”索尼的总裁Howard Stringer爵士说。
“I think the war is virtually over, ” says Sir Howard Stringer, Sony's chief executive.
“我认为战斗实际上已经结束了。”索尼的总裁Howard Stringer爵士说。
"I think the war is virtually over," says Sir Howard Stringer, Sony's chief executive.
“我认为战斗实际上已经结束了。”索尼的总裁Howard Stringer爵士说。
Little could he have imagined the problems that his eventual successor, Sir Howard Stringer, would face.
Its Welsh boss, Sir Howard Stringer, is fighting to overcome internal resistance as he tries to restructure the firm.
Sony Corp. Chief Executive Officer Howard Stringer said yesterday that the currency’s appreciation is a “huge handicap for us.”
索尼集团首席执行官霍华德.斯特林格(Howard Stringer)昨天说,货币的升值“将对我们造成极大的困难”。
Earlier this week, comments by Sony CEO Sir Howard Stringer suggested that his company is making a camera sensor for the new iPhone.
这周的早些时间,来自索尼ceoHoward Stringer先生的评论提到他的公司正在为新一代的iPhone设计制造摄像头传感器。
"We see tablets coming out, but we have to put a tablet on the marketplace that is differentiated," Sony Chairman and CEO Howard Stringer added.
Sir Howard Stringer may go for presiding over years of steady decline at Sony; Apple has a terrific record under Steve Jobs but poor health may force him out.
Sony, which owns consumer-electronics, videogame and movie businesses, is in the last year of a three-year turnaround plan under Chief Executive Howard Stringer.
在首席执行长霍华德·斯金格(Howard Stringer)的带领下,索尼这家集消费电子、电视游戏和电影等多项业务于一身的公司目前正处在其三年扭亏计划中的最后一年。
Meanwhile his son has been travelling the world visiting Samsung offices and meeting with industry titans such as Sony's Sir Howard Stringer and Nintendo's Satoru Iwata.
Mr. Cheng's company had teamed up with Kyubey, a renowned, Michelin-starred Ginza sushi bar that counts Sony Chief Executive Howard Stringer and Steven Spielberg as clients.
与郑威涛的公司联合竞拍的是位于银座地区的著 名寿司店Kyubey,索尼公司(Sony)首席执行长斯金格(Howard Stringer)和大导演斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)都是这家米其林星级餐厅的顾客。
Howard Stringer, speaking at a breakfast hosted by the Wall Street Journal, said TV manufacturers, driven by their desire to rack up market share, have bred an intensely competitive market.
斯金格在《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreet Journal)举办的一次早餐会上说,受扩大市场份额这一愿望的推动,电视机厂商已经造就了一个竞争非常激烈的市场。
Sony's Welsh-born chief executive, Sir Howard Stringer, has imposed a tough cost-cutting regime and refocused attention on the group's electronics business in to challenge rivals such as Apple.
索尼·威尔士出生的首席执行官,霍华德·斯·金格Howard Stringer,在公司推行严格的成本削减制度,并把重点重新放在集团的电子产品业务上,以挑战苹果公司等竞争对手。
Sony's Welsh-born chief executive, Sir Howard Stringer, has imposed a tough cost-cutting regime and refocused attention on the group's electronics business in to challenge rivals such as Apple.
索尼·威尔士出生的首席执行官,霍华德·斯·金格Howard Stringer,在公司推行严格的成本削减制度,并把重点重新放在集团的电子产品业务上,以挑战苹果公司等竞争对手。