Volatile flavour compounds in the breast meat of 42-day-old AA chicken were analyzed by headspace solid phase microextraction(HS-SPME) combined with GC/MS method.
Derivatization-headspace-solid-phase microextraction(DHS-SPME) integrate HS-SPME with derivatization in order to extend into the analysis of non-volatile samples.
The HS SPME GC/MS method was applied to analyzing odors in drinking water.
采用顶空固相微萃取气相色谱质谱(HS SPME GC/MS)法分析饮用水中的发霉气味。
The HS SPME GC/MS method was applied to analyzing odors in drinking water.
采用顶空固相微萃取气相色谱质谱(HS SPME GC/MS)法分析饮用水中的发霉气味。