A Hub and Spoke architecture is best suited to building an integration interface.
Hub and Spoke体系结构最适合于创建集成接口。
Terracotta USES a hub and spoke architecture where the central server to coordinates heap changes across JVMs, pushing field-level changes to each server on an as-needed basis.
Terracotta使用了星型(hub and spoke)架构,由中央服务器协调JV M间内存堆的改动,给每个需要的节点推送属性级的变动。
Four things have changed as we progressed from the previous hub and spoke architecture to service exposition, three of which you can see by comparing the previous figures with figure 11.
Let's recall the traditional hub and spoke integration architecture (Figure 1) of SIMM level 3.
The architecture is hub and spoke based, meaning there is a central coordinator which is managing the clients.
In addition, moving to a hub-and-spoke architecture reduces the number of components that could fail, result-ing in greater reliability.
The SNEP will operate in a hub-spoke and mesh architecture to provide beyond line-of-sight range extension to OTM users.
An example of this is the familiar hub-and-spoke JMS architecture.
The fundamental premise behind EAI is that the integration is performed on the back end, using either a hub and spoke or bus architecture.
EAI蕴含的基本假定是,集成在后端进行,使用不是星形结构(hub and spoke),就是总线架构。
The WBI suite allows you to implement a hub-and-spoke architecture using WBI ICS and WBI Adapter suite, respectively.
WBI套件允许分别使用WBIICS和WBI适配器套件来完成hub - and -spoke体系结构。
Typically, a common approach for the WBI suite is to use a hub-and-spoke architecture.
一般来说,WBI套件的通用方法是使用hub - and - spoke体系结构。
Typically, a common approach for the WBI suite is to use a hub-and-spoke architecture.
一般来说,WBI套件的通用方法是使用hub - and - spoke体系结构。