With luck, something similar will soon happen in biology in the wake of such things as the Human Genome Project.
Does the Human Genome Project affect the moral standards of society?
Think about applications that perform work on the human genome project.
But it is only about a quarter of what the Human Genome Project cost.
They focused their efforts on just over 13, 000 genes that have been well enough studied by the Human Genome Project for their DNA sequences to be known accurately.
Sequencing technology has come a long way since the Human Genome Project, but it still requires DNA to be copied millions of times, a step called amplification, and labelled with fluorescent tags.
Amid celebrations of the 10-year anniversary of the Human genome Project, a team of researchers says both scientists and journalists are guilty of hyping the potential of genome sequencing.
With information gathered from the Human Genome Project, scientists have already improved the health of some people.
Although the Human Genome Project has expanded the parts list for cells, there is no instruction manual for putting them together to produce a living cell.
ONE of the great hopes nurtured by the Human Genome Project was that it would crack cancer open.
Ever since the human-genome project was completed, it has puzzled biologists that animals, be they worms, flies or people, all seem to have about the same number of genes for proteins-around 20, 000.
Other focus areas from this industry include pharmaceutical modeling, virtual surgery training, condition and diagnosis visualizations, total-record medical databases, and the Human Genome Project.
When completed, the Human Epigenome Project (already under way in Europe) will make the Human genome Project look like homework that 15th century kids did with an abacus.
Drawing the Map of Life: Inside the Human Genome Project. By Victor McElheny.
Remember the Human Genome Project?
Though a technical tour-de-force, the Human Genome Project was actually the sum of millions of small, repetitive actions by cleverly programmed robots.
In the years since the human genome project was completed it has become clear that humans and chimps share around 96% of their DNA.
But that does not stop people like Dr Lichtman dreaming of a Human Connectome Project inspired by the success of the Human Genome Project.
Almost a decade after the human genome project laid bare the building blocks of life, scientists have figured out how they work together to create a living person.
It seems longer, but it was only seven years ago that the human genome Project deciphered the sequence of the 3 billion nucleotides that make up a single human blueprint or genome.
Genetic Research in Britain: Scientists in the U.K. are farming information from the Human Genome Project to prescribe medication more effectively. Getty images.
By the mid - '80s, Church and his mentor Gilbert were two of a handful of people arguing in favor of a human genome project.
The company wouldn't release a capillary-based sequencer until 1995, but Hood's design would eventually chew up bases by the billion for the Human Genome Project.
One of the goals of the Human Genome Project was to allow researchers to link versions of individual genes (known as alleles) with particular diseases.
人类基因组计划(Human Genome Project)的目标之一就是要让研究者找出单个基因多个变体(亦即等位基因)与特定疾病之间的关联。
The Human Genome Project will revolutionize the detection, prevention and treatment of conditions of certain diseases.
In 2000, I took part in the research of Human Genome Project at Tsinghua University.
And the sudden spate of new results mark an acceleration, and perhaps a turning point, in the ability to find disease genes, the long-promised payoff from the human genome project that began in 1989.
And the sudden spate of new results mark an acceleration, and perhaps a turning point, in the ability to find disease genes, the long-promised payoff from the human genome project that began in 1989.