He sat hunched over his breakfast.
He got out his map and hunched over it to read the small print.
TS: Were you hunched over at your desk?
I hunched over, trying to make sure nobody saw me.
Standing hunched over, staring at the floor is a big no-no!
He is hunched over, presumably in an attempt to protect Beth.
He hunched over his napkin, scrawled a number, and turned it over.
Zoe Bannister hunched over her veranda desk, correcting exercise books.
The result is you eat awkwardly hunched over the sheets, with crumbs everywhere.
If you’re hunched over a keyboard all day, this eventually becomes your normal posture.
Several years ago, I found myself hunched over the side of the interstate, throwing up.
And so her days begin at 7am, on her treadmill, and end hunched over her files late at night.
I see some people crawling around, hunched over smoking a cigarette - they should be doing ballet.
Every spare minute you could find them hunched over a chessboard, pondering their next moves.
I see these people crawling around, 9 hunched over smoking a cigarette-they should be doing ballet.
Somebody who is hunched over, with her feet together, is subconsciously trying to not be noticed at all.
You might see them in the library hunched over a desk full of books, or maybe even sleeping on an opened text.
Hunched over, elbow on his knee, head resting on his palm, Captain Kearney began calling the families of the dead.
Her friend Vicky Yang is hunched over a borrowed laptop, downloading an E-mail from a pesky client on her cell phone.
Michael works on P.I., hunched over a long tube of PVC piping. He calls out to a nearby C.O. that he needs to grab more.
These breaks cause collapse of the vertebrae and over time the person with osteoporosis can become hunched over or stooped.
You might visualize a prunefaced Scrooge hunched over your shoulder, stopwatch in hand, telling you what to do every minute.
So I slide out wordlessly, leaving Dervish hunched over his computer, his secrets intact, the coldness between us preserved.
因此我一言不发地溜了出门,让德叔叔弓着背忙于他的电脑, 他的秘密完好,我们之间的冷漠尚存。
That includes if she's on the phone, hunched over her laptop, or holding a finger to a lip in the universal sign for "Please be quiet."
She asks the C.O. to wait outside the cell. Sara slowly enters and sees Michael, hunched over on the floor and holding his injured hand.
"Work ethic" seems like one of those chunks.It elicits a halo of simple images: a man hunched over a desk, staying late, furrowing his brow.
"Work ethic" seems like one of those chunks. It elicits a halo of simple images: a man hunched over a desk, staying late, furrowing his brow.
If the shoulder are hunched over and the chest is inward the middle of the spine will protrude outward causing a hump like shape in the back.
Hunched over a cup of hot lemon juice and pinching his throat in pain, Garry Kasparov didn't look quite ready to rumble with the rest of the human race.
Hunched over a cup of hot lemon juice and pinching his throat in pain, Garry Kasparov didn't look quite ready to rumble with the rest of the human race.