Progress in this area can be measured by the difference in weight between buildings built now and those of comparable size built one hundred years ago.
Rossy had never flown for longer than ten minutes and had to calibrate his equipment and weight to perfection since even the addition of a few hundred grammes would have affected his flying ability.
The finished plane weighed just nine hundred kilograms, about the weight of a small car.
I picked up a copy, and what scared me off at first wasn't its nearly eleven hundred pages but the sheer damn weight of the thing.
The hundred - grain weight increased with the increasing nitrogen content.
Hundred grain weight was significantly negative correlated with number of pods and seeds per plant.
The weight-lifter made a lift of several hundred kilos.
Weight this, please. It should be 100g(a hundred grams).
There were quantitative differences of plant inflorescence and hundred kernel weight.
So David gave to Ornan for the place six hundred shekels of gold by weight.
Combining yarn weight deviation and drawing frame weight deviation to adjust wheel gear, valid control weight deviation per hundred meter yarn and weight CV % was achieved.
兼顾成纱重量偏差和末并单机台重量偏差来调整末并牵伸齿轮,达到有效控制成纱百米重量偏差和重量CV %的目的。
Super absorbent resin can absorb several hundred times as much water as its own weight.
The gene effects of ear length, ear thickness, kernel rows per ear, hundred-grain-weight(H. G. W. ) and grain weight per plant were analyzed in a set of diallel crosses which involved 8 parents.
Gross weight: a hundred and fifteen tons.
And I'm very strong. I can lift things that are five hundred times my own weight.
The weight of one hundred seeds, the content of starch and fat of early sowing is higher than late sowing, but the content of water and protein is significantly lower than late sowing.
So David gave Ornan six hundred shekels of gold by weight for the place.
The results showed that flood had obvious impacts on the maize density, maize greenery, ear lengthen and thick, and the yields, but not on the development process and one hundred grains weight.
One of the best ways to Celebrate Rotary will be to address those vast humanitarian needs, using the full weight of our hundred years of experience.
One of the best ways to Celebrate Rotary will be to address those vast humanitarian needs, using the full weight of our hundred years of experience.