Non-alcoholic drinks contain mostly water and contribute to your hydration.
When that hydration comes from pure, clean water — not liquids such as soda or even soup — experts say skin cells rejoice.
Proper hydration is vital to good health and to have that, you need to drink pure water.
Watermelon, honeydew melon, and stone fruits such as peaches and plums contain lots of water for hydration as well as healthy, natural fruit sugars for energy.
Someone who is severely dehydrated may need intravenous hydration, which can give them water and essential nutrients faster than drinking.
Celery is high in water content (95% water) and electrolytes, which are vital for proper hydration and cellular functions.
Having a steady fresh water supply will also be needed for farming as salt water will negatively affect the hydration of your plots.
The cooling pipe, using circling cooled water to reduce the heat of hydration in concrete DAMS, is the most efficient method for temperature controlling in concrete DAMS.
Bottled water is no longer just for hydration but will be enjoyed at the table in as similar matter as wine, with attention to drinking temperature, stemware and presentation in branded bottles.
For example, if you're going on a long drive and won't have access to fluids (or to bathrooms), you'd be smarter to drink milk with its high hydration index rather than water or iced coffee.
Calcium oxide although having excellent refractory properties is rarely used because of hydration by atmospheric water vapour.
The results show that the amount and state of the adsorbed water are obviously correlated with the hydration power of the metal ions and the amount of exchanged metal ions.
While hydration is absolutely essential to a healthily functioning body, too much water, especially over a short period of time can be dangerous and even fatal.
The hydration is suppressed when the water - binder ratio decreases gradually.
While each person's hydration needs are different, experts generally suggest 64 ounces or 8 glasses of water a day.
Sensitivity studies are also performed showing the relationships between water content and hydration.
Autogenous curing agent can improve the hydration degree of concrete, reduce the compressive stress which dropping of water in capillary of concrete caused and sensitivity to cracking.
The transfer volumes from water to polyol - water mixtures have been obtained and discussed in terms of the structural hydration interaction model.
With hydraulic cements the chemical reaction is one of hydration, involving water.
To replace the water lost perspiring and breathing the dry winter air, use a hydration system.
The hydration degree of cements, the pore structure and the pore size distribution of hydrated cement mortars were analyzed by chemical binding water and mercury intrusion porosimetry(MIP).
Hydrophilic fibres on the opposite surface aid hydration by drawing water into the cement.
Although koalas do drink water on occasion, most of their hydration requirements are fulfilled by the moisture they get from eating eucalyptus leaves.
In fixed water content, water types, dividing line and the hydration state decide the hydration effect and properties of clays.
High Performance cementitious material is specially used for high Performance concrete. Propetties of that are high strength, low water demand, low hydration heat and low shrinkage.
Testing results for effects of high range water reducing agent on hydration temperature elevation, heat emission and strength of the concrete were presented.
In the mass concrete construction in cement plants, cracks in the concrete may be controlled by reducing the hydration heat and cooling with water to control the internal and external temperature.
In the mass concrete construction in cement plants, cracks in the concrete may be controlled by reducing the hydration heat and cooling with water to control the internal and external temperature.