For the convenience of casting, machining, transporting, etc, the beam of large-scale hydraulic forging press has always been designed as combined structure and connected with pre-stress bolts.
Although the hydraulic forging press is a more expensive piece of equipment than a drop-forge, it has advantages beside those of giving greater strength and more uniform structure to large components.
Our country makes the first ten thousand ton hydraulic press is the hammer forging hydraulic press.
The forging pump press divides into the drop forging hydraulic press and the free forging hydraulic press two kinds.
Forging USES the hydraulic jack much is the hydraulic press, the tonnage is high.
The high speed forging hydraulic press has already become one of the most important forging equipment.
The stop position accuracy of a hydraulic press is the main index of its advanced performance. It affects the quality of forging products and the process automation directly.
The drop forging hydraulic pressure confidential USES the mold, but the free forging hydraulic press does not use the mold.
The hydraulic press produces the general pressure is big, commonly used in forging and ramming.
The hydraulic jack besides USES in the forging and stamping forming, may also use in rectifying, the press mounting, the pack, the briquetting and the clamp and so on.
The upsetting test of metal powder sintered preform by blow speed of the hydraulic press, crank press, pneumatic hammer and high energy rate forging hammer was reported.
Riveting machines, metal shavings Press, forging machine operators, large products such as hot forging hydraulic press.
The results show that the time of pressure building-up is a main factor affecting the forging number of press. This is a problem to take into account when designing a high-speed hydraulic press.
The principle of forging hydraulic press by pump direct drive is introduced in this paper, the math model, control method and strategy are also described.
What is a hydraulic press?The hydraulic press is by the high-pressured liquid (oil, emulsion and so on) transmits the working pressure the forging and stamping machinery.
Forging forming process of large pipe produced on vertical hydraulic press was discussed. Relative tools and dies were designed, and production process was drawn up.
The free forging hydraulic press is applied to forging machinery for mechanical processing.
本实用 新型应用做机械加工的锻压机械。
A rotary forging component as an accessory of hydraulic press is developed to extend the function and efficiency of the press. The laboratory experiments of this new component are carried out.
Metal Forming Machinery, Heavy-duty Machine, Punch Press, Hydraulic Press, Plate Shear, Flanging Machine, Bender, Automatic Forging Machine.
Metal Forming Machinery, Heavy-duty Machine, Punch Press, Hydraulic Press, Plate Shear, Flanging Machine, Bender, Automatic Forging Machine.