"I also worry [that] without this impact, in the later part of the movie you might think the actor overacts in some scenes," Lee says.
I hope some of you will think also about serving in other parts of the world, where your skills may be even more desperately needed.
I hate to break it to you buddy, but when you married her you also married her debt. Yes, you should pay off her debt, and you should no longer think of it as "her debt."
Then in terms of what you say, I think it's good to listen well to the erm... to the questions, to be also prepared in advance. And to prepare some questions to ask after the interview.
I've also felt sad some time, but when I think of you, I will regard those "sad matters" as nothing to feel sad about.
Also because I think I didn't play my best tennis today, but, you know, I was running all the time, you know, and fighting until the end of the match.
I think what... the point of this question is I think what they want to do is see how you look at yourself. So can you evaluate your own performance in a way and also can you...
Now I think this is the point at which we can see the importance of the extraordinary essay that I've also asked you to read, by Toni Morrison.
We are also planning a paper that talks about all this, so think of this article as a place-holder until the full paper comes along. I hope you find this background information useful.
So I think that within the context of a firm policy toward Iran, something that reaches out to the Iranian people is very important, and you rightly say that eyes on the ground is also very valuable.
What if I told you that 801 also is the addition of alpha, because it's obviously one,and what do you think 800 would be?
You think she hurts but forget I also afraid of.
I also think the simple fact that we put the fair in the middle of a beautiful park in a major city gives you a completely different feeling from a convention center.
You think I am stupid? Of course I know, and I also know, you will say: "these moving buses are all dangerous…", right?
I do not have the news, can you also think of me by chance.
I think you can also get a sense as to how engaged and happy employees are just by how they answer the phone, or even by the nature of the voice mail greeting.
Friends is also a half stretch of the imagination, said: or you write a script, and I'll draw it, I think we will certainly work big sale.
I think that this story kind of relates a little bit also to you, and also to China.
Think of others, I will also help you think, because I am a helpful clone!
Many of you might also think that I am finally relieved from all the pressure because now my graduation dream came true.
If you think of it, the Arts, and I don't say this exclusively to the Arts, I think it is also true of Science and of Maths.
If you are in the effort, I think you should also, ahead of your future.
I think, you must cry not laugh at that time, also not be, like a monkey picked up a piece of ginger, eat not, throw is not right, is it?
I think, you must cry not laugh at that time, also not be, like a monkey picked up a piece of ginger, eat not, throw is not right, is it?