I am together with you in prayer, and I bless each one of you with all my heart.
I am sending you the book, together with all the available comments on it.
Suppose I am a company manager, you are another company manager. I talk about the business with you, and I will say: “Let’s have a meal together!”.
I am confident that, with the support of the IOC and the Olympic Family, and together with you, we will deliver a high-standard Olympic Games with distinctive features.
Now I am free, and I wan t to be together with you forever.
Now, I am free, and I want to be together with you forever.
I am very pleased to get together with all of you again and to exchange views on international and regional issues of common concern.
A: Yeah I know what you mean. That's why this year I am keeping things more simple. Maybe like getting together with friends I haven't seen in a long time, or doing some volunteering work.
I am one am with good intention, the good-hearted male, you can discover and I in am a very happy matter together.
'Cause you are not alone, and I am there with you. And we'll get lost together till the light comes pouring through.
I am not the best! But I dare say that I was the most suitable for living together with you! I really love you, care for you, I hope you can marry me, let me be your guardian angel!
Because of with you at together time, I am always evading them to give my love.
I am too tired to love you and I really wish you can with someone together.
I have a dream that I can share this nice feeling with my soul mate together, and you are the one who I am looking for!
I certainly am. Listen! Why don't you come with me? We can play together.
Sincere countenance Shin, as Qi's mother, I am surely eagerer to meet him than you are. After things are done, we'll have fun with him together!
The Tao Tao knows you I am really happy, don't know how to say, let the joy of my heart, share together with large Bo friends. 97 Tao treasure company's cities you must go.
Now I am free, and I want to be together with you forever.
I am sure it is a good translation and just go ahead with us together, you would definitely gain a lot more.
I am looking forward to meeting with you and discussing business matter together.
With you together of that night is I am life long unforgettable!
Autumn is the harvest season, I am willing to review, together with you, the harvest of our economic and trade cooperation through decades.
I am very pleased to gather together with you in the beautiful city of Shenzhen.
Phil. 2:17 But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice, and I rejoice together with you all.
Through the broadcasting, has always felt that I am with you all together.
Through the broadcasting, has always felt that I am with you all together.