I got it so cheap I had to pay some extra not to be embarrassed.
I would be so embarrassed if they saw me eating out of a takeout container or putting something in the garbage that I would never do it.
They were only three of us in the elevator, I felt very embarrassed to be in the middle of them.
"Naturally, I feel embarrassed at the way that we won and feel extremely sorry for the Irish who definitely deserve to be in South Africa," Henry said in a statement.
I think maybe people would be embarrassed.
I used to be embarrassed to admit that I learned nearly everything I learned about grammar and logic outside of the college classroom.
I promise that I will not show an embarrassed loser's face, my head will be high and my face would be glowing because the Olympic spirit is to compete irrespective of results.
And while for some reason I feel like I should be embarrassed by this fact (as in "real people don't do Christmas"), I love the holidays.
I would be embarrassed to spend thousands and thousands of dollars when people are losing their jobs, homes, cars etc.
"I'd expanded on FarmVille as much as I could, but I just wanted a pond and some hedges," says the woman, who is too embarrassed to be named.
I don't want to be embarrassed anymore, so I make it through my effort.
I found a lot to be embarrassed about.
If I may be at once strong-willed up, fall too thin thin, but you, I know you're embarrassed to give me too little of the collapse.
Sometimes I want to be alone and sometimes I feel embarrassed when I meet the female friends, so your say that im rather reserved.
I always feel embarrassed to be made to give lectures in public.
Moved by her patience, I felt embarrassed for my rude behavior and decided to learn to be a patient person, which helps me get along well with my classmates, my friends and my parents.
If I keep talking to you I'll be too embarrassed to go to this party at all.
I call to you, because I feel embarrassed, be face you.
I was embarrassed to be seen with her, so I made fun of her right along with the other children.
Oh, I wouldn't dare. I'd be much too embarrassed.
I embarrassed lowered his head, remember the teachers, then he said that I must be a very future of the sacred holy priests, although I have no benefits - Gen.
' Now I don't want to embarrass him, and I don't want to be embarrassed myself. So let's take another road.
Although being somewhat embarrassed, I should like to be able to become your girlfriend.
How can I go empty-handed to her birthday party? I would be embarrassed.
This made me really embarrassed and I tried to be considerate when parking the moment I thoght of their tolerance.
When I was growing up , I was embarrassed to be seen with my father .
Even if I do not want to be seen to look embarrassed, but I really can no longer continue to pile up the emotional mind.
Even if I do not want to be seen to look embarrassed, but I really can no longer continue to pile up the emotional mind.