I could not take it off again.
After enduring three years of abuse, and seeing it turn to my children I could not take it any more.
I had made it as plain as I could so that he could not fail to take my meaning.
It was even funnier to me because I'd brought my own hourglass, which the studio people said I absolutely could not take out.
However it did not take me long to get over what I could not see, — what I did see was quite enough.
但没过多久我就把我不能看见的东西给忘掉了- - -我所看到的就已足够多的了。
I wanted to take the iPad with me but decided not to so it could stay at home on the kitchen counter.
I know there's a thousand out there that could take my spot. But I'm not gonna let them. Because I want it more. You got earn it.
But I think it could influence the decision making of women who are deciding whether to take a bisphosphonate or not.
I could not take my eyes from it.
I could not believe that you broke a bone in skiing. Please take good care of it and recover soon.
While watching this movie (all three times I saw it), I could not take my eyes off the incredible and inspirational clothes worn by the various characters.
I guess I could copy DVDs with it, but it would take so long it's just not worth it.
But I'm lucky to have had a grandfather who reminded me not to take these things for granted, to find something I really enjoyed, and to pursue it as hard and as fast as I could.
Every time I went to Beijing, I could not take the nonstop train because it is too expensive.
It was 12 muffled by distance, but that could not take the terror out of it, and it was the most dreadful sound to me that I had ever heard.
Although I'm not sure that my English could take this speech deductive is wonderful, but I think it is a to own challenges and beyond.
At noon, see people take out the chicken coop just under the egg, I could not help running to help, just under the egg still warm in their hands of it!
As I gave her two roubles, however, I could not resist saying, with a certain irritation, I only do it for you, of course; Mozer wouldn't take such a thing.
When they left me to take a rest, I really could not do it.
Oh, sorry buddy, I forgot to tell you, Santa said you could only play 2 hours every time, if you do not follow the rule, he will take it away.
Oh, sorry buddy, I forgot to tell you, Santa said you could only play 2 hours every time, if you do not follow the rule, he will take it away.