I get to eat a wonderful raw breakfast smoothie and I can make the most delicious lunch which is both good for me and saves money.
Just a light lunch, I think, so that people can eat while they move around and talk to each other.
I had to get up in the morning and eat a very consistent and healthy breakfast to last me the whole day because I had no time for lunch.
In the morning I rented a room overlooking the little park down below where the sandwich-board men always came to eat their lunch.
Not infrequently, during a demanding day at work, I would find a deliveryman standing in my office with a boxed lunch Alex had ordered for me, to make sure I remembered to eat.
I used to teach yoga then jump right into a Les Mills Body Pump class or go home, eat lunch, then hit the hiking trails for some HIIT.
And then I start my whole day school life: have class, have a rest, have a sleep and eat lunch.
I thought I was pretty careful about what I was eating - I made a special effort every day to eat just a simple salad for lunch in the company cafeteria.
I finally through their own efforts in the first three in the Dayton eat a decent lunch.
They usually go to the party. But I eat a sumptuous lunch with my family instead of that.
And I eat the sarcocarp, Cute Meat has a alternative lunch of the pericarp or the melon seeds.
Sweating accompany the ta to the East Gate for lunch, holding "Outlaws of the Marsh", I no intention of watching, but watched quietly ta to eat, really wanted to ask ta to stay, with me a few days.
So, I went to a restaurant to eat lunch.
I had a very late and very large lunch, so I don't expect to eat anything else for the remainder of the day.
Billy: I only had a half an hour for lunch. Many people didn't even leave their stations to eat.
Mrs. Santelli: Oh, what a shame! That's when I eat lunch.
If I eat a lot for lunch or dinner, I try to get to the gym later in the day to burn off the calories.
My friend and I had always chosen a pleasant place with a view or beside some stream in which to eat out lunch.
No, no, no… Actually, I'll just have some tea if that is not too much trouble. I had a very late and very large lunch, so I don't expect to eat anything else for the remainder of the day.
This little cherry bomb of a girl (pigtailed and skinny and excited) asked me in lively English if I'd like to eat lunch, and Wayan said, "I forgot!"
I am a total foodaholic. I'm already thinking about what to eat for dinner when I'm still at lunch.
When others had cokes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich.
I hope that you have learned some new vocabulary that you can use the next time you want to take a break or eat lunch during the workday - and speak English, of course!
"I never eat meat and avoid fried food … with the occasional exception, " she says as she nods, a little guiltily, at her lunch of rice and a pair of tempura prawns.
Go and start your work carmen. when I get back for lunch you come and eat with me and I '11give you a lesson. now go and revise your homework. you must not fall back in class.
Go and start your work carmen. when I get back for lunch you come and eat with me and I '11give you a lesson. now go and revise your homework. you must not fall back in class.