One afternoon, I got bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.
I sometimes think I fell for him not just as a man, but as a father.
Usually, it's the children who push for a change, but in this case, she was the one who did. "I fell twice in one week, and I told my daughter I don't belong at home anymore," she said.
I fell in love with a white girl, who was for a few years everything to me. She is still a great friend.
But then came my junior-year PROM, and for the first time in my life, I fell in love with a dress.
The last time I really fell for a woman, more than three years ago, and the breakup which brought back all the anger and sadness from my previous bouts of depression.
When I was writing this piece, for instance, I had to take my car into the shop, I had to take two unanticipated trips, a family member fell ill, and so on.
My response that being contacted in part so I could incubate a legacy child for them was insulting often fell on deaf ears.
He fell silent for a minute or two, and to my surprise I saw that he was looking at the stars.
I fell into conversation with a lady the other day, a stranger, as I often do. We chatted for about ten minutes, laughing and friendly.
The work fell under the HEL TD Phase I contract, awarded last year to design a beam control system for a truck-mounted laser weapon system.
However when I watched it at night it still looked like a star. After observing it for a short while I fell into puzzle again.
However, when I watched it at night, it still looked like a star. After observing it for a short while, I fell into puzzle again.
And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves.
On the train ride up, I opened the book and out fell a bookmark from a Rome bookshop where I had worked for a while after college and where I had first read “Watermark” on a slow afternoon.
在前往威尼斯的火车上,我打开那本《Watermark》,从中掉出了一张书签,是我大学毕业以后在罗马的一家书店工作的那阵子得到的。 也正是在那家书店,一个悠闲的下午,我第一次读到了《Watermark》。
My son's feet were quickly soaked, and at one point I fell and hit my elbow so hard that my entire hand went numb for a good 10 minutes.
For instance, I just fell off the last move of the heinous crimping nightmare Terremer, three times in a row, feeling super strong.
When I think of that, I fell a little down but I really appreciate him for giving his love.
For lunch I had noodles, salad, and later a peach. I didn't have any supper because I didn't fell very well.
Of course I was holding the camera for such a long time that my arm almost fell off.
I also trained Patou to pull me up in case I fell, and to stand still beside me as I attempted to rise from a seated position, holding her sturdy back for stability.
After the surgery instead of forcing me to accept the situation, I fell into a quite deep 'inner' depression because I was just horrified for what I had allowed to happen.
I was aiming for the chimney pot, but the stone fell short and went through a skylight in the roof.
That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation for my gentle mother and her caring hands.
That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation for my gentle mother and her caring hands.