When, at the time, I asked for evidence of any past enthusiasm, I was told to read a long series of columns he had written for a newspaper website. I slogged through them all – and found nothing.
"If I was the reader and if I had a newspaper, I would like to read about somebody else like that," Katy said, smiling.
Two days after Iencountered the little boy, I read in the newspaper that the woman had passed away.
Every day at home I would read the newspaper and find that many children had died, no matter whether in war or peacetime, from illness or accidents, or any other reasons.
Later I read in newspaper that on the opening ceremony there had occurred physical conflicts twice because audience all wanted to view the exhibition earlier and the staff had to settle the problem.
Later I read in newspaper that on the opening ceremony there had occurred physical conflicts twice because audience all wanted to view the exhibition earlier and the staff had to settle the problem.