In the figure below, I have divided India into four major geographies, North, East, West and South.
After chasing them around the Upper West Side for two weeks — following a series of missed meetings, notes left on their gear and my apartment entrance — I finally enter into stalker territory.
About eight months into our relationship, I took a trip to Key West with my friends and we chartered a boat for the day.
I sprint through beetle mania into the longhallway that bisects the second floor, down the west staircase to the first floor, grateful to be in the pre-motion-detector era.
I was stepping out of the plane and into the muggy perfumed air of west Africa.
I think, it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West, a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China.
I was tricked into marrying her when I was young, in the West Indies.
And so, to watch China turn itself into a model of the West leaves me feeling as if I, too, have lost an aspect of my own World.
And so, to watch China turn itself into a model of the West leaves me feeling as if I, too, have lost an aspect of my own World.