"Just listen, and do what I tell you," he said.
But I want help so much more. You must tell me just what to do.
However, your coming just at this time is the greatest of comforts, and I am very glad to hear what you tell us, of long sleeves.
"I very seldom tell anyone what I actually do, because you just don't know who you are talking to, " she said.
I do want to talk about that, but tell now just what happened when you got to the house.
Please don't take offense; I just want to tell you what I think.
Please don't take offense. I just want to tell you what I think.
Right, we're moving ahead little for what I am going to tell you so if you start getting confused just stop your ears out.
I can't begin to tell you the number of times in my life when I've been expecting something really good from God - and what happens is that things just take a turn for the worse.
I think you have to just walk up to her and tell her what you just told me.
Teacher: : If you were listening, tell me what I said just now.
老师:如果你刚才在听课,那告诉我刚才我说的什么。 。
Just tell me this, said I, and since you know so much, you surely can tell it me — what of Mr.
“I can tell you that there was a time period of almost twenty to twenty-five minutes where we really didn’t know just exactly what was going on ” Panetta said later on “PBS NewsHour.”
The youth: no, no, I tell you. I'm content with just what I have and want nothing more.
You sound like a TV advert - I can just see the misty mountains and fields of tea... can you tell us what evocative means?
And between what you've done and the way you communicate, I can just look in your eyes and tell a lot.
I don't quite get you. Tell me what you just said, again.
This might be one of the most important things that I've come here to tell you, so let me repeat what I just said.
Just tell me what I gotta do, you know?
Teacher: If you were listening, tell me what I said just now.
They are clones, automatons, and they do just the opposite of what I am going to tell you to do below, wading through life without ever knowing how to be yourself.
Teacher: If you were listening, tell me what what I said just now?
You don't have to beat around the bush. Just tell me what the problem is so I can fix it.
What did I just tell you kids?
What the... I have no question, you just tell me everything!
Because for real, I just don't know what to tell you.
I wonder if you could tell me what happened just now.
But we just thought... - I'll tell you what I thought.
But we just thought... - I'll tell you what I thought.