I've been asleep And I need to wake up Now!
Since it's set at the time, I know I need to wake up at 5am to get it done.
Most people won’t wake up and waste an hour visualizing, meditating, or affirming, and the first thing they think about is asking what do I need to do today?
I don't have to wake up every day wondering what do I need to believe, "he says in the AD."
It doesn’t need to be “I want to lose 10 pounds in the next month” but something like, I’ll drink a water of glass each time I wake up in the morning” or “I’ll wait 2 hours until I eat once again”.
No sooner had I started the abundant plans than the day which I didn't need to wake up early.
Mommy, I can't find my pet chicken anywhere. I need you to wake up and help me find it right now!
In the morning, I need half a cup of coffee to wake up.
I need between seven and eight hours of sleep for me to wake-up and be at what I feel is a productive mental and emotional place to start my day.
Bad memories vanish each morning when I walk into both of my sons' bedrooms to wake them up for school-their laughter gives me all I need to face whatever is happening in my life.
If I wake up on the right side of the bed that morning, my opponents need to be very, very afraid.
One thing for sure: I knew that I would not need to worry about arranging wake-up calls during the rest of that visit.
I need coffee to wake up in the morning, I'm kind of addicted.
I need coffee to wake up in the morning, I'm kind of addicted.