I don't age. I regenerate. But humans decay. You wither and you die.
She says: "I believe that the day is not far off when we will be able to prescribe drugs that cause severed spinal cords to heal, hearts to regenerate and lost limbs to regrow."
I suppose I could generate the class source once and let the developers add their business logic, but how can I keep that logic from being written over if I have to regenerate?
I am convinced the 2012 Olympic Games will regenerate East London and inspire an entire generation of children.
In the subsequent articles, I made changes to the domain class and never had you go back and regenerate the views.
Or will I choose to complete the karma and end the dance so that I may regenerate and ascend, creating a new reality and new relationships that are more supportive instead?
If I had murdered Harry Potter, the Dark Lord could not have used his blood to regenerate, making him invincible.
One question, that I have not answered yet in the affirmative is how were the Germans able to regenerate the air inside the craft for 8 months for this big crew.
I will be the fountain from which he can drink tirelessly that he may come into the knowledge to generate and regenerate an understanding of himself and his journey.
But I was regenerate with a strong will and faith of sure success in my heart!
But I was regenerate with a strong will and faith of sure success in my heart!