I remember that you said you had to fly your bird in a war.
After that I remember that you said, you know, I'm going to go to the community college at night.
I was trying to save the moment as best as I could, and I said, "Judy, do you remember the old experiment that Elliot Aronson did on attractiveness?"
Remember I said that at some point during this semester I wanted you to attend an exhibit at the Fairy Street Gallery and then write about it?
He immediately said, "I remember you. You gave me hope in my darkest hour that evening!"
I remember on that morning, he said to me on QQ, "Hi Xiaoqi, do you have ample money to study abroad?"
I remember one time I was talking to our CEO and he said, you know maybe we should pay at least one dividend because our employees are forgetting that they own these shares.
As you remember last week I said two things that you got to remember.
Remember what I said is - the key feature of a libertarian view is that you should be free to do what you want provided you don't prevent other people from doing the same thing.
“When I look at a picture that I was involved in or know about, ” she said, “you’re just sent right back in time and you just remember everything about that day.”
Afterward, during the book signing, a middle-aged woman said something that I'll always remember: "If only my teachers taught history like you just did, I would have been a history major."
"I cannot promise, " said he to the robber, "that I can remember the way exactly; but since you desire, I will try what I can do."
"Don't you remember," said the patron, "I told you that among the crew there were two Corsican brigands?"
And you said—I remember this part—"I am so riveted and focused on my mission that I have not given that a lot of thought."
So, I was trying to save the moment as best as I could, and I looked at her and I said, ? "Judy, do you remember that old experiment " that Elliot Aronson did on attractiveness?"
I remember you said that you like China because it has cheap beers.
Do you still remember what I said to you? "the passion held in hand will be reduced to ashes at once, but that hidden at the bottom of the heart will endure and remain fresh forever."
If you cannot remember everything I said, please do remember that all of you, each of you, can make a difference in your lives.
Remember, I remember, all that you said?
Remember, I remember, all that you said?
When she came back, I picked up her up and I said, "you remember that house you liked" she said yeah.
Because remember I said that, typically, when you hear a sentence you make --you manufacture in your mind gaps between the words.
Remember that? I've always said that I cried for you slippers disappeared.
Dear, remember I said, if a next life, I will make one you love, hope that we turned one, will be able to see each other!
Dear, remember I said, if a next life, I will make one you love, hope that we turned one, will be able to see each other!