I want to look for some important books and study in the library.
As a kid in school, I would avoid the study hall chaos for the quiet of the library.
I found a collection of its monthly numbers in my eldest brother's library and devoured them day after day, seated on the doorsill of his study, facing a bit of terrace to the South.
I like to study in the library.
While I was in my postgraduate study, I enjoyed reading in the library.
In work hard learning, the library is a good place, I study it brings me a lot of knowledge.
I study everyday, go to the library to read a book, take part in all kinds of activities, such as practice playing the flute.
I like to study in the library because it's so quiet.
Since the tape libraries have very poor random access performance, it is critical to study random I/O scheduling strategies and algorithms in order to improve the performance of tape library.
I especially like and friends to study in the library, we help each other in learning, it is important to improve my grades.
I just want to go to Jamie library, in his absence, his family's nanny took me to the library, into a study I was surprised, you know what I have seen it?
I just want to go to Jamie library, in his absence, his family's nanny took me to the library, into a study I was surprised, you know what I have seen it?