Yes, he is only 33, but I think we should look at him just as a man on his own, a manager from Portugal, and just give him a chance to succeed.
I really want to succeed at this company, but I'm not sure how long I can stand it.
I knew if I kept at it I should succeed.
Or, as I jest: if at first you don't succeed, see if you can break it somewhere else.
''Yes, he is only 33, but I think we should look at him just as a man on his own, a different manager - yes from Portugal, but a different individual, and just give him a chance to succeed.
I beg to differ. Everyone has the capacity to succeed at college and benefit from what it has to offer.
I succeed because I aim at success!
If at first I don't succeed, there is always next year.
" You to do everything at the time, in the heart meditation "Heaven, earth, the Quartet, I must succeed.
I would like to wish yopu good luck but I know you will not need it because I know you will succeed at Hoffenheim because you are a champion on and off the pitch.
I ask that you use this mouse pad at your desk as a reference guide of the things you can do to help Stemco thrive and succeed.
I have confidence that you will succeed because of the magnificent education you have received. at USF.
I don't want to succeed at the price of losing part of myself.
We suspected that he thought slowly, but he could proud add the type of daughter to his name in six years. So I believe one sentence forever-If at first you don't succeed it try, try again.
To this kind of person, I can claim you will never succeed, you will never master your life, you will forever work for others who have their dreams and work at it everyday .
I am at school of theories lesson, plus to practice the work, make I in keeping with this work. I believe that I can succeed.
Today, at last, I managed to succeed paying for a lunch.
Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one 10 arena where I believed I truly belonged.
If I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe.
I feel that as students prepare for this new TOEFL, they'll also be developing integrated language skills that will help them to prepare for and succeed at their academic work.
They're strict with me, expect me to perform well at school and to succeed in almost everything I do.
I want my son to have a choice to contribute fully in the workforce or at home, and I want my daughter to have the choice to not just succeed, but to be liked for her accomplishments.
I don't know I succeed or not. at last, I could not regret. If I failed, I should bear it, especially as a man who want to achievement!
Once I set a goal, no matter how difficult, I will stick at it until I succeed.
In retrospect, I might have been somewhat overenthusiastic, but I did succeed in making a number of students (non-Indians) arrange a trip to India at the end of the year.
In retrospect, I might have been somewhat overenthusiastic, but I did succeed in making a number of students (non-Indians) arrange a trip to India at the end of the year.