The rules of the game aren't obvious to the outsider, but last week I took some lessons from a couple of master players and I think I can now explain roughly how to play.
From the day that I joined I was made to feel like an outsider.
I felt like an outsider for a little while, but a few weeks ago, I asked one of the knitters, Cynthia, to barter one of her fabulous turned-wood seam rippers for some of my recycled yarn.
Although I am an outsider that the net swims, but I also think this is "not providential" thing.
CJ: I would say that professor Bower invented the concept of "inside outsider. ' I think it's really worthwhile for you to talk about that."
刘持金: 鲍沃教授提出了“内部局外人”的概念,我觉得教授对这一方面的介绍一定会是我们收获很多。
My husband and I had been together for six years. Although over the years, we all learned to adjust, to become more comfortable with each other, I continued to feel somewhat like an outsider.
I want to change this situation, I don't want to be a outsider, I want to be part of the group.
It felt like wherever I went I was the outsider.
I never forget it, They didn't give me the shawl, I was only an outsider.
For the first two years or so I was an outsider no matter how much I tried to fit in.
As an outsider, you can be not so careful. But you become a professional, you should be careful all the time. I carefully reread all the classical novels which I had read before.
As an outsider, you can be not so careful. But you become a professional, you should be careful all the time. I carefully reread all the classical novels which I had read before.