"I thought as much, "said the fine man.
You're waiting for a woman – I thought as much.
I thought as much when I saw his face.
I thought as much when you were late in coming.
So they found out he'd been cheating. I thought as much.
I thought as much. The woman is drunk. Drunk! She can't even speak clearly.
Yes, I thought as much, as I had tried to clear my space from the 'off' mood I awoke in!
Yet, as I thought about Juan's question, I was not sure how much more we could really rule out.
Much as I love to travel I also love coming home to my own nest and the thought of moving twice a week is unsettling.
I haven't got as much money as I thought.
This time, I thought, it is being played for me, as much as for anyone else.
“I’ve always thought of House as a romantic, and I don’t think romantics are much given to comparing, ” Laurie demurs.
I don't really know how I thought missing the kids would feel; I think I avoided thinking about it as much as I could.
While I don't get as much time as I'd like for Landscape Photography these days - I thought I'd jot down a few of the lessons that I learned in my early years of doing it.
I have had a long life, I have had much time for thought as I lay alone in my stall, and I think I may say that I understand the nature of life on this earth as well as any animal now living.
I just never thought of dying as something that I was doing on purpose — much less.
Nonsense, 'said I,' do you imagine he has thought as much of you as you have of him?
As I started back on my run, I thought about how much we all crave connection.
"They always had as much as I had," he thought.
I sort of enjoy having a collection, but not as much as I thought I might.
I have had a long life, I have had much time for thought as I lay alone in my stall.
I never gave it much thought as to why, in my experience, lower Xmax woofers sound better.
Maybe it was because I had expected too much from them, they didn't seem as good as I thought.
There was kind of an option number three on the side, and as time went on and I thought about it more and more, I was so much more excited about that option.
因为我一直在做一些志愿工作,所以参加和平队这个想法就一直缠绕在我心头。 这是我的第三个选择。随着时间流逝,我的这个愿望越来越强烈。
I never thought one day I could speak English as much as I want.
I don't think it is worthwhile our paying much attention to the matter in dispute. It is not so serious as it is thought.
I don't think it is worthwhile our paying much attention to the matter in dispute. It is not so serious as it is thought.