'I know you understand,' he said and gave a conspiratorial wink.
"I understand you had a party last night," said Logan, a police officer.
When you understand a sentence I said you have to have the capacity to understand a sentence even if you've never heard it before.
Like I said, you don't need a book to understand these few basic things, all of which are backed up by psychological research studies.
"I couldn't understand how they could do a genetic test that could tell you (that) you have a problem," but it ended up being worth it, he said.
At a hearing in 1980, Kearns said, "I want you to understand that I am wearing a little badge here, and that badge says that I am an inventor, and it says I am a net contributor to society."
Hearing this, an old man stood up among the audience and said, "I can understand you quite well, and you know I had a beat-up car like yours."
Inresponse, he took it off and unveiled a lovely white-crowned bald head, and said with a smile: "Do you understand why I wear a hat now?"
"This is a miracle baby, I hope you understand that," said our midwife.
You have to see these three stories (in series four) to understand what I originally said, which was that it feels like something comes to a head in this series.
Did you not understand a word I said?
Am I speaking too fast? Is my language too hard for you? Do you understand everything I am saying? He said, in a very slow, condescending way (still in Chinese).
"I don't understand, "He said, "Why do you want a divorce at this time of life?
You give it up very gleefully, said he; I don't quite understand your lightheartedness, because I cannot tell what employment you propose to yourself as a substitute for the one you are relinquishing.
I have dreamed a dream and no one can tell me what it means. I have heard that YOU can understand dreams to tell the meaning of them, Pharaoh said to Joseph.
"I've got a question for you," said Harry, his heart beating rather fast as he looked down at the elf, "and I order you to answer it truthfully." Understand?
Do you understand what the word pity means? 'I said, hastening to resume my bonnet.' Did you ever feel a touch of it in your life? '?
A scholar in the temple teaching, and heard it laugh at said: "you guys don't understand the things I reasoned reason."
"I can understand that," Lord Kelvin said, smiling. "But you must remember that you are now a very famous lady."
"This child, do not understand how such a thing!" Lele mother said, "You think I do not mind the trouble, but do not bother, let's not safe!"
"I don't understand. "said Xiaoling. "It is January now, the middle of winter. How can you have a summer holiday?",
'I understand how you feel,' said the old lady kindly, 'but the guests won't notice you much, and you can easily escape after a short time.'
'No,' he told Andy, talking to him slowly, like Andy was a stupid kid. 'You didn't understand what I said.
"I saw you arguing with a customer," he said crossly. "Will you please remember that in my shop the customer is always right? Do you understand?"
"It's taken a long time and the season's very close, " Schwarzer said. "On one hand you understand them not wanting to disrupt too many things but I want things resolved as quickly as possible.
"I don't really understand it," she said. "I never have. Do you think you could teach me to read a poem?"
"I don't really understand it," she said. "I never have. Do you think you could teach me to read a poem?"